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Neff, Is my poser Butterfly a give away?

I love that fish - every time he pauses he's at full flare.... GOD i love a show-pony!

...alls I need now is a nice hm/ohm lady to throw in the tank with him.... obviously he has a GREAT interior decorator (;

Jarrod, I forgot to take your name off (it was past midnight!!) hehhehhehe OH WELL I think we're slowly giving it away!

Did anyone notice the lack of Novelty entries?

I was going to enter one just cos there were no other competition!! n'awww... big fish lil pond - not my style.


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To share my NON-entry..


Going through some pretty bad algae right now.. Need to invest in several siamese algae eaters. <_< Also some nutrient deficiencies as I've just been too focused on the reef tank lately. *hangs head in shame*

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That's beautiful miz Del,

I love it! those angels are sweet!

Anyone else got images that didn't make the competition? I do believe Matt might have some supplementary suggestions!

The whole point of this comp is to get us excited about our scapes - show us your tanks!


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I do have one more tank!! can't take piccies now though, gt a new card teh computer reads but Mum wont let me, Ihave an asingment to d oby tomorrow. When will Ineed it in by?

Ness, that video of someone's you linked is my betta haha

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Thank-you so much :) are they still eligable or just for people to ohh and ahh over? Will try get it in tonight :)

I actually got so annoyed I couldn't eneter it last night I saterted to pull it down, then I decided I live it so stopped :)

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Yan my tank (entered) is also having algae probs. I dont use ferts or CO2 and lights are only on for at most 5 hrs a day!! <_< Just realised I put in the wrong photo too! :blush: The photo I entered is before I cleaned the glass :censor: didn't realise how bad it was until I started taking photos :blink::blush: Jo B-)

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I don't use ferts (aside from excel which i was using to clear up the algae on the massive fern) but I think the plants are really beginning to struggle because of it. They were going great guns before I added the corkscrew val. Now they're also getting black beard algae and green algae on the glass. :( Hours haven't increased so I guess I need to start fertilizing again and see what happens.

I have to admit to my horrible memory and state I don't know which tank is whose, lol

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Some great entries folks! Really inspiring to see what everyones up to :D

I recognise Jarrod and Matt's tanks.. not 100% sure about the rest!

'Almost entries..'


Planted this IKEA jar up on a whim, buy my substrate mystery-mix put off too much ammonia for it to be fish safe by the time deadline came around. About 4-5 litres, not sure if it would have been in the smaller category or the 'novelty' category since there are more terrestrial than aquatic plants!


Mossy Cherry Shrimp tank.. but again, no fishes. Lets see if Other-Sarah can count all the seed shrimp on the glass! :lol:

Edited by Pyrefly
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serves me right for not reading. ): I should've put in for the Under 9 litre ones too!! I've got some baby tanks ahaha oh well.

Yan you should've entered. I just used my phone camera coz my other camera broke ahahahaha

Hai: My marimo!! hehe they look so cute together. (any ideas on how to make em float? :( I bought them coz I saw cool vids of it.. and mine didnt float -_-)

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Hello my AusAquarian-scaper friends,

Unfortunately someone is overseas at the moment in Singapore enjoying an IBC Show,so we will only be utilizing our delightful Guest Judge Doug From Aqueus in StKilda.

He has co-judged with another gent at Aqueus called Nick, I suggest anyonegoing past St Kilda Aquarium (Aqueus now) should pop in and see some of theirBetta range, along with their EXTENSIVE plants and amazing contemporary tanks -shameless plug for a company that is happy to help us learn more aboutAquascaping and Fishkeeping!

Here is a little bit of feedback along with the signature PRIZES...<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break">


CONGRATULATIONS, 1st Place Fishbites:Green Salad

Good use of plants to give a sense of depth in a small volume of water, everythinglooks very healthy!

Maybe a change of rock colour that does not clash with the fish colour, butapart from that very good<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><br style="mso-special-character:line-break">


2nd Place Melbournebetta: Quietly

Nice use of hardscape within a small tank but the wood would be better withsome moss or Anubias Nana tied to a couple of branches, the currentAnubias species and Java Fern are a bit big for such a small 'scape. A littlecosmetic sand among the pebbles would be a nice addition to cover upthe bare glass, a stunning looking Betta though!


3rd place Neffy: Betta Garden

Tank looks well maintained and the fish healthy but lack of full tank shotprevents any further comments

<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"><cont>

Edited by melbournebetta
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naughty AA formatting! ....over 9 litres...


CONGRATULATIONS1st Place: Girlz0r New Gardens

A nicely'scaped tank, good use of rock and driftwood, the eye is drawn from the rocksto the open space between the two sets of hardscape within the tank. The areaon the right would benefit from another piece of driftwood to "bind"the whole scene together, at the moment its almost two 'scapes within one tank.A few more weeks growth on the Vall. at the rear and some midground plantingand this will look even better. A good fish choice as well!


2nd Place Flame Dragon: At the bottom of the garden

Thiscould mature into a excellent looking aquascape over time, it needs a good fewtrims on the stem plants to encourage a bushier appearance. Also maybe tie somemoss onto some small rocks and place them on the boundary between the gradedgravel, this will make the transition between the two substrates less harsh.

Italready has good impression of depth form the use of hardscape and use ofnegative space.


3rd PlaceEI Natural

Goodlooking "Jungle style" tank, with nice growth on the 'swords andBlyxa, everything looks very healthy. Well Done.

"Hopethis Helps Vanessa, for beginners the standard is very high, so all entrantsshould be congratulated.

Cheers Doug"

Aqueusâ„¢ | 148 Barkly Street

Life Under Water | St Kilda Victoria 3182

Congratulations to everyone who entered!

GreatScapes, Good times, Great fush....

(if we had a radio station -this is what we'd say at the end of each segment)

Now it'stime to scape some more and post more images of our amazing 'scapes!


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