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HWere do you buy them from? If you get them from a lfs they may be selling you terrestrials that last a moth or so before rotting. I will probably have some spare plants in a few weeks if you want I can send you some for teh prie of shipping :)

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There's a big difference between aquatic plants and wetlands and true aquarium plants... very few know much about them unless they've actually kept planted aquariums... great to know your landscape architect knows quite a bit about planted aquariums..... will be interesting to get feedback from them.....

Why don't you ask Dave from AquaGreen or someone who actually grows and propagates aquarium plants.... or even someone who keeps a good range of aquarium plants and is an international Betta judge.....

I like the idea of keeping the tank to Bettas as they are the dominant species of the forum but I allowing killifish or guppies or dwarf cichlids etc would open it up to everyone who doesn't have Bettas too which is a good idea.....

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Hey bettaobsesd go to the sit I sujested he will give you all the help you need and he has plants no longer in voge one of his aim is to stop plants from disapering from the aquarium sceen like keeping a gene pool.



Edited by les
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Thanks for the suggestion, I'll wait to see how the 3 judges that I've invited come back - some may just not have time (Yes, I've asked someone)

Dave will be in the next batch of emails if I get any "no"s from this lot.

I'm hoping for judges that can give different perspectives such as Design/Layout/Creativity, Lighting and practical Aquascaping such as appropriate placement of plants/props, Alternative uses of materials and the actual plant health and species appreciation...

Just a comment too for all those non-aquascape-arians, don't worry, I'm not really much of an expert in planted tanks either!

No need for serious $$ investment in this comp - I'm probably going to be looking at some uses of bare-bottom-tank design, and some pretty unusual uses of props... so it's just a fun way to show off our ideas, and how beautifully our fish live!

Those who know more about the substrates, plants, designs and proper scaping will be sure to lend a hand and offer advice!


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Confirmed Judge #1 Doug White from Aqueus (St Kilda)


Big thanks to Doug for offering his time and advice....

No bribes taken!

However any inspiration / advice / plant supply can be directed to their retail store in St Kilda.

@ Jarrod: As with all competitions, once all the entries are in (may 22nd) I will post up the entries, and we can spend 7 days ohh-ing and ahh-ing over the L33t Skillz... and celebrate the winners on the 29th!

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Hi Ness

When I try to access techniques for shooting your tanks the words come up as squares with numbers in them what can I do to read the site?

Photographing your tank is briliant as you know I am not the best photografer so I will definatly be trying these technics

Thanks Ness



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Or use Google Chrome as your browser and let Google translate. OMG sooooooo funny! Still completely gobbledygook might as well still be in Chinese. LOL I suppose if you really, really want to know what they're on about, use the ENG button. I just looked at the pictures. LOL

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Sorry Les,

That was a bit silly - I just assumed everyone's browser changed it into english... Don't fret, there's plenty of photography tips - I'm still trying to locate the one that says you should photograph a well lit tank in a dark room - this way you don't get the reflections of the rest of the room on the glass.

Anyone with good suggestions of photography links (or tips) please add them to this thread :)

I'd also like to add, we have confirmed Doug White from Aqueus (St Kilda) as a judge, along with someone Mattherson of LFS (QLD)

...third and final judge TBA


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Well thank the lord for that because I have just this minute put our Red boy back in QT. My Mum thought his water level looked a little low yesterday so she gave the tank a top up. She did everything right bar using water from the purifier :devil::censor: so he now has fungus on his tail again...pooh,bum knickers!!

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:( Sorry to hear that.

Pressure's off the little betta boy, you can let some of your other beauties shine!

-Exactly one month to go! Woooo I'm hoping I can nab some bargains at the ASV Auction next weekend.... hahahah I'm cheating and buying the green in my tanks!!

(Naughty snails just love eating all my lush)


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Class 1: Small Aquascape (under 9 litres)

Class 2: Large Aquascape (over 9 litres)

Class 3: Novelty (any size novelty/themed/quirky use fish tank, must be safe for fish and able to be used as display tank)

Note: The tank must contain a betta of any description, and be made visible in the photo.

How to enter: email your best photo to melbourne.betta@gmail.com, and include the following

Ausaqua username

A title of the artwork/tank/scape

Contact email address

Note only one entry per person, each person can enter all 3 classes.


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