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AA Aquascaping Competiton 2011

The Classes:

Class 1: Small Aquascape (under 9 litres)

Class 2: Large Aquascape (over 9 litres)

Class 3: Novelty (any size novelty/themed/quirky use fish tank, must be safe for fish and able to be used as display tank)

Note: The tank must contain a betta of any description, and be made visible in the photo.

How to enter: email your best photo to melbourne.betta@gmail.com, and include the following

Ausaqua username

A title of the artwork/tank/scape

Contact email address

Note only one entry per person, each person can enter all 3 classes.

Entries in by May 22nd - any email arriving after MIDNIGHT will not be considered. (Melbourne EST)


Special Guest Judge to be announced.

Winners announced:

One week later, May 29th.

PRIZE: As well as the love and respect of your fellow AusAqua members, winners up to 3rd place will receive a personalized graphic trophy for use in their signatures etc.

Some images for inspiration, there are no limits!






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This is going to be exiting! I've just started getting my tank into a good condition again and I've bought some new plants to :) does the betta have to be imediatly identifiable as a betta because my tank is big enough that the fish look like spots of colour. Maybe I should make a novelty tank just for the gun of it... I think I will :P

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inspiration / ideas / eyecandy



Photo Stream Here (FLIKR)


....what NOT to do!

Fish-Tank.jpg novelty!



Serious stuff again:http://www.adana-usa.com/index.php?main_page=afa_portfolio

fishbowl-lightbulb.jpg k, sleeptime now.

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Wayne, I think this would be an additional advantage, but I'm a Multimedia Designer, so I want to say yes...... but for fairness and the ease of judging I'm probably going to say no....

Is there any reason you can't submit a photo?

I'm trying to source a rock-star judge that I can just email off the entries to, just judging a handfull of photos might be incentive, but if they have to investigate links etc I think it might be pushing it.

(Please make the video anyway! we'd all like to see it)


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No probs.... just that a video is easier to take and show the fish no matter where it moves to.... was only a thought..... ok the real reason is I'm too lazy to wait for the fish to do something like actually swim near the front of the tank :)

Re judging.... the last 2 Christmas photo comps I've run on here we've just put up the photos for the members here to judge..... doesn't really matter as long as the one / or several doing the judging actually know what they're looking at :)

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36 days to go...

I still haven't started mine - toying with impossible ideas and dealing with 3 foot grow out tank explosions - how is everyone going?

Wayne, I'm waiting for a few emails to come back - I've asked around and am trying to get an expert on Aquascaping & Design to have a look!

Special guest judge... or Judges if I can wrangle my landscape designer and a few other appropriate rock-star persons - if all else fails - we can group vote- that'd be fun too!


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Good luck with getting the emails back Ness... hopefully your landscaper has some knowledge of planted aquariums or you can secure someone who knows a fair bit about planted aquariums - would be great if the 'rock stars' are Tom Barr or Takashi Amano!! Would be great to get a planted tank expert like those two - all entrants and onlookers could get some good feedback / advice as a bonus to the competition and to enhance the value of the forum knowledge base....

On the point of my entry ... almost got a design in mind for the u/9litre comp.... have a tank now.... got the plants (I think) ..... just have to get it all together and decide which Betta gets the cameo role!!!!

The entry details state the tank must contain a Betta of any species - can there be more than one Betta in the tank?

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Personally.... I don't think its appropriate to ask people from another forum to judge competitions on this forum unless they are infact an industry expert and across more than just a forum.... the competition is as much about building this forum and a sense of community in addition to having some fun... there's no sheep stations to be won :)

I'd be happy enough to involve all AusAqua forum members in the judging.... :)

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Hi Nessthere is a guy hear in Perth his name is darren and his web site is HTTP://aquaticplantsdirect.web.com/ he has been growing and selling plants for the last eight years and he also aquascapes so he realy knows his stuff so try him he is realy helpfull



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Plus it would be embarrassing for the newbies to show their efforts to the likes of Tom Barr or Amano. For me that would actually act as a disincentive to enter. Although with my fishy to do list the way it is I would be struggling to put something up anyway.

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I had a crack at my under 9L entry this weekend, its a really small tank so i planted it up took photos thought of a new direction pulled it apart replanted it and now i have to pick which one i like better. I also trimmed and fussed about with my big big tank to make it a bit more presentable as well but i havent photoed it yet.

you can enter once in each class right?

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Everyone's in a flutter!

Relax, I'm not up to harassing world class Japanese (or other) pro aquascapers as yet, and those guys aren't exactly going to spend much time on a small comp like this.

My landscape architect knows quite a bit about aquatic plants as she's worked on several wetland redevelopments and the like, I thought she would be best at critiquing the design elements, there are a few local shops that deal with aquascapes primarily over fish... and yes Matt, I had thought someone from that other forum might be handy to look at plants & specific aquascaping techniques we use.

I was also going to speak with some if the senior members of the Aquariun Society of Vic to see if someone might like to guest judge.

Aim of the game is to learn what makes a good planted tank, for those interested, and just a chance to show off how beautifully we keep our betta.

This is just a fun comp to get our tanks invigorated with some local dinky judges (shouldn't have said rockstar, my bad) nobody is going to be embarrased by their efforts

Les I like your suggestion.. I'll follow him up this week, & betta obsessed, just do what I do a d buy plants a week before the shoot, they will "sink or swim"

i might even invest in gravel ooohhhh fancy.

As for fish, maybe its best I broarden the rules and let you poke whatever you like I'm the tank, the reason I want a fish in the tank is so it proves the tank is "fishsafe"

so revision (to hopefully encourage more entries) and fish species, so long as there is at least one fish & they are recognizable.

Matt, you can enter once every class.

Time to get wrinkly fingers!



Oops, I mean Jess: u can enter one in every class!

& Razzi, those water changes can wait! I know you have an amazing aquascape in you, even a witty novelty tank.... ?Hmmmmm wouldn't be the same without you!


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