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Oh the pain I was just getting my daughter to take some photos of the new perspex tanks for Ness and I wanted a photo of each dragon pair my wife said GOD DAM that fish has grown my reply was yes shes almost ready to put in the spawn tank the flash went of and my daought said s##t I think she was realy ready arnt those eggs my wife replied how is he going to fertalize them from the other side of the partition I couldnt belive it do you think it was the flash?



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theres SEVEN of Adams VTXHM (sd/hm tails) and i dont want 7 spawns of fishus lol not yet anyway i have no room at the moment

but this pay produces the shelf unit next pay the tanking lol *rubs hands together gleefully* then the yellow spawn

*Rayne X sponge bob*

while they are all full of eggs only Bronxie shows the breeding bars, but shes in view of two male tanks (hospital tank and the big boys tank) so shes just randy lol

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My Platnum Dragons dont show breeding bars but the girls base couler seems to come through like the red one looks like shes blushing all over and the black one seems to become blaker around the scales if that makes any sense. It sounds like you will have your hands full of fry soon good luck and dont forget spawn pictures



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