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If you want to makie perspex tanks 5mm perspex is realy good just made three 40cm x 25cm x 25cm with dividers and it only cost $90.00 for the three same tanks from a tank shop were $60.00 each its so easy to do a monky can do it

Hears how it goes

if you are cutting on a saw bench use an 82 tooth circuler blad if by jig saw use finest blade

ensure all cuts are straight its realy important

Dont use glass silicone it will not work ( I used this first and filled the tanks up and watched them slowly fall to pieces so save your self the greef ) u have to use WELD-ON #16 libraly coat the edges like you would a glass tank

when all is glued and set about 24Hr fill and check for leeks if leeks are found mark area and dry and fill with a libral amount of Weldon #16

now the Dragons have permanant married quarters nexrt will be the barracks



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Ill get Alex to take some photos when she gets home tomorow and try and put some up in the evening. I like the idea of laser cutting sounds like it would be quite acuret ill look in to that as far as cost goees. I was going to make my barracks out of perspex but it would only be viable as far as cost goes for a small set up if your talking over twenty cells then its cheeper to sort out 2.5 LTR containers fron K Mart in the home maker section for $2.00 each your drip system with black poly irigation pipe you can connect your main pipe to the cells by air hose useing the riser conection from the iragation shop and becouse you have air pipe use a shut of valve from the LFS it work as I have been very busy experimenting so I can get it right the first time.my shelving wont be finishe till wednesday when Dad can come over and give me a hand ill show pictures of that and the drip system then ok



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Hey Ness I cant figure out the photo bucket thing and nether can Alex and the drgon droped her eggs when the flash went off aint that luck if you know off another way of loading the pitures ill post them im seeing Yatsy (Zac) on friday to swap grindals for blackworms so ill ask him for help also



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Hi Paul I have figerd out how to upload to photobucket now but cant figer out how to get it from there to hear what do I press besides the big red button for distruct?



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So once the pics are uploaded, and it takes you back to your "my albums" page of pics all on one page, you just have to hover the mouse/pointer thingy over the pic you want to attach. When your mouse is on the pic it will open a frame around the pic with lots of options. Put your mouse on the IMG code box and click once on it. It should go from "%7Boption%7Dhttpblahblahblah" to "copied" and then back again. Go back to the message you were typing and either do "Ctrl V" or right click and chose "paste" to attach the image code direct to the message. Bob's ur mums brother! No self destruct!

Edited by paul
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