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Is she yellow?


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I was giving Lady X a once over checking for post spawn damage. I can't believe I have never noticed this before - even looking at her pre spawn photos you can see it. Her colours have deepened since/because of spawning and under her white dragon scales and metallic blue marble layer, she appears to be yellow. How is this possible? I don't think any of the others from the spawn were like this - at least none of the fish that are left. Is the marble gene responsible? This lot also have red loss... Is there a chance of yellow offspring???


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She's the yellow fry that you had seen in the early stages of your Jewel Box spawn, perhaps???

On a more likely note, it's probably just a variation on the appearance of the lower most colour layer (the yellow layer). In most fish, it's not visible and considered to be insignificant because the other colour layers mask it. In this fish, it's possible that this layer may be a deeper yellow than usual (perhaps due to genetic variability or from the fact that she's deepened in colour from spawning or both). This layer is now visible because the marble has knocked out the blue, red and black layers that would normally cover it. I expect that the marble gene has not affected this deepest colour layer, so the fish has a yellow colour rather than a cellophane/white body.

Or as take Yan's view and just blame the marble gene... hang on, I think I just did!

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She could in fact be the yellow fry I saw early on, it just got covered up... *lol*

The sheer variety that the marble gene causes never ceases to amaze me. I can't wait to see what the next generation brings...

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