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Blah blah blaaah


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So, been miserable for the last week or so. My dad was back in hospital having issues with his thyroid again. I have been off work with a sinus infection and I really really can't afford to be sick. Fish have been neglected. Finally got off my backside today and topped up a few tanks. Fed everybody for which they nearly died of happiness.. couldn't remember when I fed them last.. oops. Well, the marine tank gets fed several times a day still, but no one else really got fed. *feels bad* (Also, my fry all died, but that was before I got sick. Not sure why.)

But the more work I kept doing on my tanks, the more I couldn't stop. Until I ran out of things to do that didn't involve algae cleaning the marine tank. So I started taking pics. Took some of the coppers. Shuffled a few fish around. Moved on to take pics of the Channoides tank.. Conversation to myself kinda went something like 'Huh?' *tries to wipe mark off the glass - mark moves* 'What the bejesus?!' *looks closer* 'Oh my god. IT'S A FRY. OMG. IT'S A FRY' *runs out to tell my parents and has to stop to have a coughing fit but got there eventually*

I came back and had the presence of mind to take a pic of the fry. Then the mother zoomed out of no where and I am pretty bloody sure she snapped him up. Poor fry. But this means there could be more in there. And also that Channoides thrive on neglect. I haven't water changed that tank... ever. It gets top ups. It doesn't get water changed. They're lucky to get fed twice a week, they won't take anything but live. Suppose I'll have to start feeding them more often so they will be less tempted to snack on any fry in there. Should probably start putting food in for the fry, too...

Here's some pictures. Of fish.


My marbled copper. Still has buoyancy issues/crippled hind end but fat and happy as you can see. Half the size of the rest of the spawn (shares her barracks chamber with another runt who is even smaller than she is)!


Plump with eggs and barred up, between the two fiesty boys. Have been carding the coppers on and off. They have been uncarded for the last few days. She's only been added to the barracks about a week ago.


Female and male Channoides.


Wee little fry who I am pretty sure became a snack.

Now my face feels like it's going to explode and my back hurts. A lot. Need to go to work tomorrow, blaaah.

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