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updates on metallic SDxHM's


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Hey all just a quick update. Everyones doing well at fish number 17 now, got some lovely changes happening as well

Dastan unfortunately is recovering from Popeye, hes doing well a week and a bit after i found it and hes almost back to normal.

ok the update is on Lexi ( she was a mess and is looking great) and Lexi, Ailie and Rayne are *the rest of the ladies are as well but ive only got photos of these three* seem to be turning from SDxHM into SDxHM CT's


Day one:


Day one pic 2

two weeks or a little bit more later

sorry its blurry

recently (just over a month after she arrived)



Here are the three tails showing 4 ray splitting:

This one also shows lexis fin recovery too ^.^




Rayne is ALSO developing metallic purple/black on her fins.


here are a few different angles to show the colour changes:)

Rayne 2

Rayne 3

Rayne 4

Rayne 5

Rayne 6

So thoughts on the SDxHM CT developments??

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Good to see that her fins have healed.

The ray extensions that look a bit like crowntail are unusual. None of the females I kept from this spawn are exhibiting this. Is it possible that it could be something less desirable, like fin rot? Does anybody else who bought fish from this spawn have a similar change?

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no not fin rot this is how they developed, i doubt all 7 ladies would fin rot all like this. These three plus one are in a tank that holds six divided, I have a male occupying 2 bays the other four are open for these four, then the other three are in a planted tank. (these four waiting on their tank to cycle)

If you look close on all pics, the rays start splitting quite low in the tail

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This amount of ray extension (web reduction) can be a normal variant and not specifically related to being a crown tail. It could just be that the rays tend to grow a bit faster than the webbing. If it was genetic, it would be a bit unusual that they should only turn up in the girls you have received, so my guess is that this equates to some environmental factors rather than genetics. I also agree though, they are beautiful!

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so my guess is that this equates to some environmental factors rather than genetics. I also agree though, they are beautiful!

in good way or?

this was suggested on my other forum "There could be something about their environment or diet that is causing them to thrive and develop quicker…. " was what she said....

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I don't think it's disease! Relax. I think that some fin development may be due to various environmental conditions (pH, dissolved salts, trace elements etc) and may reveal differences in appearance of related fish... Although I believe most strongly that this is just a range of normal.

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I don't think it's disease! Relax. I think that some fin development may be due to various environmental conditions (pH, dissolved salts, trace elements etc) and may reveal differences in appearance of related fish... Although I believe most strongly that this is just a range of normal.

Ok :D thanks Paul

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