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Newbie Fish Lover

Fish Tails

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Hi all,

I have had a fishtank 6ft x 2ft x 2.5ft for about 6 years populated with silver dollars, serpai tetra, congo tetra, boesni rainbow fish, glass fish, one ghost knife fish and a swarm of bristlenose that have bred from 3 originally introduced to tank.

Recently I went to the LFS and noticed how pretty the tetra and guppies were so I went and purchased a 3 foot tank and bought some tetras and guppies, the guppies all males fascinated me with their lively antics and beautiful colours so off I popped back to the LFS for some females.

Uh oh I now have at least a hundred babies! Bought another fishtank to house the fry and then started thinking hmm what if I buy a specific guppy (I like the halfmoon tail guppy) and breed them? Oh dear... I have bought another fish tank and now have 4 fish tanks in my dining room!

Thought the forum would be a good avenue to ask some questions on dos and don'ts on breeding and any other issues regarding fish keeping.

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Welcome to the forum Fish Tails. Don't you just hate the way those tanks multiply!

I used to separate my guppy fry from the parents into a new tank. Then I was having to put them in 2 tanks because the bigger babies were eating the smaller babies. I ended up with guppies and mollies at different ages spread between 3 tanks. Now I just leave them in with the parents in my community tank and let natural selection decide which ones make it to adult size.

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Thanks for the warm welcome. Uh oh I got another tank today (damn you ebay!) hubby says I might be a tad obsessed :blink:

I feel very maternal and protective of my little babies, I talk to them and have a chair sitting in front of 3 of the tanks so I can sit and watch them all. I love watching them when I feed them bits of brine shrimp, one will get a bit way bigger than its belly and off it goes dashing around madly in excitement while others give chase trying to tug a bit off.

Can I ask a question about my fry on here or do I go to the guppy page and post it there?

I forgot to mention in the intro that I live just outside Brissie and intend to make a trip to someone and check out her fish, I am just hoping I don't fall in love with some of those gorgeous betta and need more tanks!

When I get a bit more net savvy I will try and upload some pics of my babies.

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Ask away! If you think it's a big enough question - create a new topic. You should find what you need here.

Ps you might find you're not the first to ponder what it is you're pondering. It can be useful to do a little search for the keywords your thinking about. Hope you find what you need.

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Paul, That is sound advice, when in doubt google! I did try that actually but I couldn't find what I was looking for online hence I thought I would put it out there for all you wise ones.

Hey Busman, I know I am itching to go and see someone but at the same time feeling a bit of trepidation. I know I will fall in love with too many and walk out with more than what I intended. I have looked at someone-Leas fish on youtube and I have the highest admiration for her, I have found only good things about how she runs her business, her service and of course her fish.

A couple of questions about guppies if you please.

1. I seriously do have nigh on a hundred fry, they are from 5 females and a few were pregnant when I bought them (no surprise there). A few of the fry have what I have called eel tails, they are pointy and do not flare out at all. They come straight to a point at an angle from the body, I hope that makes sense. Tell me have I got a new strain of guppy? I did google and found a few sites showing the shapes of guppy tails and these were not on there. Will they grow out to a normal tail?

2. The errr tank I am getting is a 4 footer and my son (he keeps fish as well) has some limestone chips to cover the bottom I am concerned this might make the ph too high for the guppies over a period of time. I don't have town water, good ole rainwater off the roof here which does have a tannin element to it (we are surrounded by tall gum trees).

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

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Thanks Nana Jo,

I will definitely NOT be putting it in my tank! I have been reading of your adventures in the guppy forum, you sound like you have a fun time with the guppies and their individual personalities. I forgot to mention that I have guppies, neon tetras, glowlight tetras, cherry shrimp and some bristlenose all living together pretty well. I have seen the neon and glowlight tetra spawn but I can't stop them eating the eggs straight after!

I think I have alot to learn and look forward to any help from you all. Take care and enjoy your weekend, I'm scrubbing out my new (pre-tested, ok ok secondhand tank I got off ebay) and getting it ready for some new tenants.

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