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Grindal Worm Culture Advice


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They look happy (I can't believe I said that, they're worms)

I mean; I followed the instructions on the articles pages about grindals, but wondered if they need a lid ?

My Micro worms are seething and roaring around the inside of their lid and might have taken over the book shelf if they weren't lidded.... little maniacs.

If they need a lid, do they need holes in this lid of lids?

I just fed them fish flakes on the little bit of glass, from the goldfish's stash- is this of any culinary appeal or should I use the dry dog food? (don't tell the kelpie)


They aren't just ANY grindals, they're Bettarazzi's grindals, so they need VIP treatment.


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I use a lid with a 1 cm hole for air. I sticky taped a bit of fabric over the hole to stop mites getting. Once I left the lid off and a fly got in and must have laid at least one egg. The maggot caused the entire culture to crash. Fortunately I had recultured only a few days prior. I feed kitten food which has a higher protein content. Dog food has more carbs. Splendidbetta suggested that perhaps cat food was not all that good for bettas. So I have recently swapped to feeding fish foods prior to feeding to the fry. But I can't say whether or not that has made a difference. It's much, much more expensive feeding worms on fish food.

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Hmmmm, thanks Michael, those lil worms are definitely not getting into my stash of betta pellets, however I can part with the goldfish flakes (is that alright?)

What environment do you think my new guests might prefer, I have light, no light, heat, no heat - how on earth all these options and environments are available in my 3x4 meter bedroom often amazes me.

By the way, I'm thinking of purchasing that little tank at the ASV building, is there any way to get in touch with Ernie?

If all else fails I'll be there at the meet on the 31st......... I could just wait..................



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They prefer the dark. I use an opaque container. Just a used ice cream container. I think cooler temperatures are better but not as cold as whiteworms seem to need and they can cope with higher temps as well. Just keep them at room temperature should be fine.

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