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Judges training


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Hi all

I have looked on the IBC site and cant find out any info on training judges and the only one listed in Australia is Jodie can some one point me in the right direction please?


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Information about becoming and IBC certified judge is in the IBC handbook. You would need to become an IBC member in order to gain access to the full handbook.

I won't go into every detail about what's required except to say that In Australia we don't have a strong enough hobby to put on sufficient IBC sanctioned shows for a propective judge to meet all the requirements or for a certified judge to maintain their certification. So in order to get certified and maintain your certification, you have to head over to the IBC shows in SE Asia. I started my apprenticeship at a show in Thailand in 2008. I'm supposed to complete all requirements (ie serving as apprentice at 3 shows) by April 2011. Needless to say, I'm not going to make it. I could try to get an extension from the Judging Board but I still need to go to two more shows and I really can't see myself doing it. I am tempted to go to the IBC Convention in San Francisco in June because I have close friends there who keep asking when I'm visiting next and I could kill two birds with one stone. But it's not that good a time to take time off work so I haven't done anything about it.

What might work for us in Australia is to simply use the IBC handbook as a reference and not worry so much about getting certification. The handbook is pretty clear on what the faults are and how many points to deduct. You can pretty much train yourself to be a judge just by studying the handbook. That's the approach we're probably going to take with Vic Betta shows. Encourage members to become familiar enough with the handbook so that they can serve as a judge.

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Jokes aside about Wayne's very loose hold on reality, :P, the notion is not an entirely loony one. (Do you like how I tied that all in? Pretty cute, huh?). An argument could be made that we should have our own set of show standards and our own judge certification. But I think we need the hobby to develop a bit more. Right now we only ever seem to have about 2 or 3 people actively breeding bettas in each city at any given time. Somehow we need to figure out why that is. And I don't think it's as simple as, "jarring is a pain". Well, maybe it is. I'm not sure. But we should probably start a new topic to discuss how to develop the betta hobby in Australia rather than hijack this one. :)

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Ill just pick my self up of the floor wayne you are a funny guy. I think you have to target the younger kids like primary school age, I kept them in high school back in the eighties and now iv retierd iv come back full cercle and am getting back in to them again so maby state clubs could offer junior club meets at local schools i know in our suberb we have an over fiftys club and we can help out at the local primery school it makes science day a hoot. ill join up with the IBC then and get me a book. Ithink I might have to much time on my hands


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It may well be that there are a lot more of us around and they're just not on this forum. I was speaking to the guy at my LFS the other day and there are at least 2 other breeders in my area and neither of them are on this site. Maybe to get a true indication of how big the hobby is someone could contact LFS's about promoting this forum so more people join.

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The real problem in Australia is that there are just not enough shows.

The only area that I know where regular shows are held every year is S.E. Qld.

Most areas only have one show a year at least in S.E.Qld there are three or four.

This year there are two Caboolture Market Shows, one on 26th - 27th March and the other 29th - 30th October, the Caboolture Show, 10th -12th June, which someone is judging and the RNA or "EKKA", 12th -20th August, which I am judging.

All of which will be judged using QFAS rules which are based on FBAS not IBC rules.

A few years ago someone, Todd and others help put on a few quite large shows that used the IBC rules. The largest was the Pet and Animal Expo where there were something like 300 bettas entered, including international entries. They also ran IBC rules at the Caboolture Show and the RNA the same year. Unfortuneately the interest died real quick, and because of the lack of entries in the following years shows the rules got changed back to the FBAS based ones.

The only way to fix the proplem is for everyone to attend as many show as possible as competitors.

And get the clubs to organise more shows.

The next show is the Caboolture Markets Show information is here http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11198


Edited by xysti53
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I do know what you mean when I was posted to QLD with the army if I wasnt away on manovers my wife and I were at a dog show there is one for nearly every weekend of the year so my thoughts are how do you promote the keeping of BETTA? start on the young ones the teenage market is huge, in offering a hobbie where an adolesent will learn responsibility genetics and other science related info and not see it as education but fun so if state clubs were to promote it through schools and hold junior shows for the kids there is a new generation of BETTA fancyers if clubs can become proactive then it will become infectus maby even viral OH I do carry on I know but I have a lot of time on my hands.

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The trouble with that is, they loose interset quicly and fish are not "in." if any if them go down to the lfs they are likely to belive the puddle myth that is pupetuated by the lfs. They are unlikely to join a forum as forums are for "nerds". Some kids at my school even put male bettas together and watch them fight. That's just what I think would happen at my school anyway. It would be exiting to get people my age on here and continue the hobby. We need to get them young before things start to be "in" and stuff, but old enough for them to be responsible pet owners.

Sorry to be a bit of a downer, I would absoutly love for it to work and maybe some trials are in order :D

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OK Matt so you are at school so maby you could run a censes maby what is it that atracts younger people to join clubs? whats Nerdy and when is Nerdy cool? I know at my daughters school its a special one for music students and some are nerds but some arnt but they all get alomg becouse its that fine thread of music that links them all be it clasical jazz or contempery so what is the comon thread we are looking for maby its compertition yes they may want to put them in a jar to fight but add a few rules and you can get flaring at a show.

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Sorry I missed your reply, I'm really sorry to say this but I would rather not. Reason being is that I already get bullied and would more than likely open me up for more. There are some schools like that here. Queensland academy of Science, art and something else. The people there are more likely to be interested. Hopefully your idea can come to frution.

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I was 6'3 in high school but not thin I put on muscle through gardening vegie plots take a lot of diging butI have lost an inch since having both knees replaced so yes i did stick out but I didnt take crap even thogh my favorot place was the library. Mat you dont want to fly to low under the radar you should revel in your teenage years so they will hold fond memories later in life you are you and ther are some real [mod edit] heads out there but you have a write to be out there to.



Edited by Bettarazzi
We have a no swearing rule which includes character replacement.
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