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Must be the Light


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I've noticed since I got Apache (my lovely CT in my avatar), when at the right angle, flashes red eyes at me.

First time I thought, must be the light... and I have been thinking that since. But he really does appears to have red eyes.. but he can't right?

Becki gave him to me, and he is even a fry of one of her spawns, so she would have noticed if he did have red eyes.

Obviously he is NOT an albino, and I don't believe he is even part albino. But could he be? Is there any sort of other explanation that could even be plausible, other than just the light, or me going crazy?

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You sure love AquaBid now eh?

I think it is a good thing I'm scared of it.. too many fish I love.

Does look something like that, but, I don't know less of the 'stuck on' look.. must be the light, must be.

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Yeah, does look a little creepy.

Off topic, do you know I've had a friend say she is SCARED of my axies, that they couldn't possibly sleep in the same room they are in.. maybe even the house?

Said they are OK during the day. Then I told her they are pretty much nocturnal and make quite a bit of noise at night (clue..)

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They do need quite a bit of space, and I struggle with keeping them cool enough in Sydney too.

I want to breed mine, baby axies, how cute!

I personally don't see how anybody can NOT love them - look that their smile! :D

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Sarah, I guess the red eyes would be the same as when you take a photo of a person and they have red eyes. All to do with the angle that the light hits the eyes. I have had the same thing in a couple of my photos.

And I agree about the axies, they have a beautiful smile! My eldest son used to ask me every time we went to the fish shop if he could have one. Finally bought him one and it starved itself to death. Wouldn't eat anything I fed him. Now my son looks at them, comments on how cute they are and goes off looking for the bettas. Probably because he knows there's a lot more chance I'll by them than the axie! Bit too clever that kid is!

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I have to admit I cringe every time I see an Axi - I feel terrible cause I know how much fun they might be BUT THEY HAVE ARMS AND I JUST CANT COPE (ugh the thought of them right now makes my skin crawl)

...sorry Sarah - horses for courses as they say!

Oh and that fish looks like it's been photoshopped, i'm sure it hasn't, but.... ugh.... wrong-town.

My 2 cents...


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Very smart boy you have there BettaObsessed! My little Aristotle Axolotl almost starved himself to death too, I mashed up his food into a paste and shoved it down his throat with a syringe a couple times a day until he ate by himself. Was pretty risky as he was a baby, just lucky I found the right article on the internet.

Yellow eyes? THIS one? Very strange..

No worries Ness, we are all scared of everything. :)

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