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Hello from Sydney


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Hi all,

A quick introduction about me. I've been keeping fish on and off for about 20yrs. For the last 5 years I've been breeding Cichlids, Mainly African and catfish. I recently picked up a couple of pair of German Blue Rams that I'm now tring to breed. I came across Block2's Indiam Almond Leaves site and he suggested I have a look at the AusAqua site. I've started to use indian Almond Leaves for the catfish and Rams to soften the water so fingers crossed the Rams will do their thing soon. This looks like a site I will be visiting often plenty of information from experienced aquarists. All of the amazing looking Betta's that are being bred is tempting me to start another project. But where am I going to put another tank.....Hmmm.



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Thanks FlameDragon,

Ok, you asked for pics, so here is one of my 3ft display tank when it was first set up. Doesn't quite look the same today but pretty close....


There's a colony of about 10 Cyprochromis Leptosoma Malasa and a pair of Julidochromis Regani and fry that get along well with both species breeding happily in the tank. The floater in the top left of the tank has Malasa fry in it. :applaud:

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Thanks everyone.

Busman - Yes know what you mean. Also suffering form MTS(Multi Tanks Syndome). I have the 3ft plus a 4ft in the house, plus too scared to count the tanks in the fish room in the garage. :blink: I've been breeding for about 5 years now. Currently have a mix of Malawi and Tanganyikan Cichlids. Electric Yellow, Saulosi, Black calvus, Gold Comps, Black & Gold Occelatus, Various types of Bristlenose to name a few.

Lilli - McPhee St opposite my old High School. But that's just too many years ago to count. B) I'm not too far from there.

and Sarah. The quality of my photos are not going to get any better than the one I posted. I just can't seem to take good fish photo's :((

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