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Hello from Perth WA


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Hi pegasus and welcome :bighug: you have come to the right place for information with regards to breeding Bettas, there are more than a few very knowledgeable breeders on this forum and all are more than happy to answer ANY questions, provide you with hints and tips and generally help out. I am an accidental guppy breeder (just mutts, nothing fancy) and I believe there may be a certain young lady around the place who would love to hear about your Axie! welcome again NannaJo B)

PS - the young lady with the Axies will also demand photos! We try to oblige her where we can :lol:

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Welcome to the forum Pegasus! Lots of info here, make sure to ask any question you may have - I've learnt so much here!

What sort of Bettas do you have? And axies? They are SO cute!!

Could you please post pictures?

Young lady with the Axies will also demand photos! We try to oblige her where we can

And that's not me by the way. :whistling:

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