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Gday From Tamworth


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Hi. I'm Twisterella from Tamworth. Caught the fish bug about 2 years ago and currently have a mixure of Fancy Goldfish, Tropicals, live bearers and of course Bettas in approx 15 different tanks ;-)

We have a plakat a few Vail Tails a few Crown Tails but my favourites and the ones I currently have fry from are our Half Moons.

I have joined this forum to hopefully get some insight into these wonderful fish and also maybe learn more about colour genetics and raising fry ;-)

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Sorry Twisterella, I only just found your post.

I have not had any luck with breeding. I have had two sucessful spawns but lost the babies over the following week. But one day I will get..fingersw crossed.

How is your breeding going? I would love to visit next time I am over and see your fish.



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