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Hobbyist: Bewitched


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Hey there, the names Steve but im known as Bewitched in the automotive forums im normally found in.

I hail from the morrisset region of the central coast, new south wales.

Its been a long time between drinks since i last kept fish, but now im looking for the rewarding (relaxing)pleasure of maintaining a well planted community tank, and i have to admit ive been a little inspired to begin a breeding line after looking around local forums.

I own a irradescent blue CT, and hes a little tame (bought from a pet shop but hes not really very aggressive) so im thinking i might have to take him back and replace him with a thoroughbred pair(perhaps imported black orchid CT) and ive a few rogue guppies,danios and minnows to keep my dozen types of plant in check.

Was keen on fish when i was a kid, but ran out of time during my teen years... now im an adult id like to create a showpiece planted tank, and breed my dream line of guppy (peacock...metallic green\blue body with green tail and black lace spots with half thumb dorsal, ribbon ventrals and delta tail) dont know if anything like this exists yet, but im sure i could culture some if i use a few different lines of blue grass guppy and outcross a metallic green.

Extremely envious of the bettas and the community of international breeders that has been established... id like to breed bettas but storage space for the spawn would be a big commitment (a barrack full of glass jars and petshops to offload them to?)

Im still a novice with tank maintainence and encouraging plant growth, but not too old to learn better ways of doing things.

keen on buying some quality stock (compared to modified cars, aquariums and bred fish importing seems quite affordable)

im honest and easy to get along with, and i hope this comes across to the community once i settle in.

All gurus in the aquarium trade, perpare to have a new friend (me :applaud: )


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Welcome Steve!

I love the sound of your dream guppy line.

Black orchid CTs? From someone I'm assuming.. go get them! :D

compared to modified cars, aquariums and bred fish importing seems quite affordable

Let's see about that.. but I must agree a little, only a little though. :)

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