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Mangled Peach, Missing Females!


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They definately are, I'm looking after a friends at the moment and he lives next to my bed so everynight when I lie down he comes over and greets me. I'm secretly hoping they forget to pick him up.

He was beautiful ( the finch) he was from some project the breeder was working on and had some turkoise(sp) instead of green on some of his back. It was worse because I had to give the female away because they are social birds. He is very anti animal and we think he killed all the feral cats in our neighbourhood. He looks after my fish though and after seeing the blubbering mess I became after Houdini (the finch) died he doesn't want anything to happen to my fish.

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That colouring sounds gorgeous! We once bird-sitted a friends birds, a cockateil and another bird, but I can't recall what it was.. it is on the tip of my tongue, like a lovebird, but not.. not a budgie.. what was it. :(( I think it was a sort of parrot.

The smaller, colourful bird was disabled in the mouth, had a sort of overbite. It sat on my shoulders, and I would play with it daily. The cockateil bit its owners, and was said to be unsafe to hold (previously tamed), but Pepper liked me.. for the rest of her days, whenever I was over at these friends house, they would be amazing on how she loved to sit on my head. *lol* Birds are great.

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Honeydew died. Yes, that is now every single one of my females. :(

I think she had dropsy.. last night, her scales had raised ever so slightly, but just enough for me to detect. Her belly had swelled, and looked painful.

I'll upload pictures & videos of her later, both alive & dead (frightful sight)!

What I'm wondering is.. I'm getting more females from Becki this weekend, can I put them in the tank? Is there anything I should do to it.

The other month, we had a guppy with dropsy.. I tried to catch her to cull, as it was so bad, but couldn't get her. Well, this is the tank in the lounge room, and I've been using that siphon. So I think I've brought it onto myself. BUT this is our only siphon, so.. I've been using it on EVERY SINGLE TANK! :devil: I'm getting a new one today. Now I'm worried about Carnation, he is fine, happy as ever.. but will he get something??

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:( Sorry to hear that Sarah. Give the tank a good clean with either a weak bleach solution or some vinegar, give it a good rinse, then leave it out in the sun for a few hours. That should take care of any nasties. Did you also get the tanks that Becki was offering? Maybe you could use the tank she has had the girls living in...

Hopefully Carnation should be fine. Keep a close eye on him.

:rip: Honeydew

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Thanks Shadoh, yes, I'm getting Becki's tank. Good idea, I was thinking about juggling them around until it is safe to use this one... I'm too scared to use bleach, even a week solution. :embarrass:

The tank is 3ft.. so there is no way I can get it into the sun by myself.. until dad comes home, so I'll ask him to help me carry it outside. Then I'll hose it down, and use the vinegar you suggested. Thanks Jarrod, you're a great help! :bighug:

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Hey Sarah :bighug: so sorry about Honeydew :alright: Jarrod is right about the vinegar. I use a solution of 1 cup of white vinegar to 1 litre of boiling water for tank washing and for our siphon as well. Like you we have only one and between tanks it gets washed in the vinegar solution and then rinsed in just plain boiling water (just straight out of the kettle). I always fill my kettle from the cold tap (no risk of copper contamination that way), and by the time you've given the siphon a good rinse and a shake there isnt enough untreated water on or in the siphon to harm the fish. Hope life starts to settle down for you a bit now, sounds to me like you've had your share of bad luck :bighug: Jo xxx

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Thanks Jo.. it is 165 L.. I think I'll need more vinegar. :blink:

Dad reckons we could do a large water change.. cleaning the plants and stuff too. Will be a lot easier, and I would prefer to do it that way - but I don't want to take the easy way out, and end up having another bad run because of it. Should I just do a 90% water change, then do the vinegar and/or on the plants.. even the gravel. I'm kinda having doubts if I should do this.

Thanks for your comment Jo, you've made me feel a whole lot better. :bighug:

Yeah, we all have our runs of bad luck.. I just have to try again, and hope for the best.

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Ok, so I've decided it is better safe than sorry, and I will empty the tank, clean with vingar and/or salt, hose down, leave to be in the sun, refill. Should I add another hose-down, and dry after leaving in the sun?

I will also disinfect all plants, gravel and driftwood. Shall I do the same for the sponge filters? I'll do a bit of a tank-jumble so my new girls won't go into the cycle process. Thank you of all of your help with this disinfecting problem Shadoh & Jo. ♥

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Sarah, if you give the tank a proper rinse after cleaning, you won't need an extra rinse after leaving in the sun. If you are worried about the sponge filters containing whatever bacteria/disease you had, then yes, give them a good clean/disenfect/rinse.

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Cool, thanks Jarrod.

Just thought the extra rinse would make sure I didn't miss any vinegar, but I'm sure the sun will get that. I think I will clean the sponge filters - never know what may be lurking. Hmm.. I think this will now be a full cycle. <_<

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Again Jarrod is right, no need for second rinse and yep, filter/s will need to be done too so unfortunately you will be looking at cycling again :alright: but better safe than sorry. If I wasn't so far away I'd come and give you a hand, I know from experience it's no small task to have to do that major clean out re-start everything. Good luck Pumpkin, it will all sort itself out in the end :bighug: Jo

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May be a little too far to come Jo, but thanks. :)

Thanks for the tip Jarrod. Ahh.. just got home from the LFS (got some new fake plants.. silk for Bettas, plastic for axies). Oh well, it takes a few weeks anyway. :blush:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Sarah, sorry for the loss of your beautiful fish. Did you find out exactly what sort the sucker fish is? I ask only because I had one sold to me for my community tank which proceeded to eat 5 clown loaches, 3 neon tetras and a handful of guppies without leaving a trace. He promptly went back to a LFS where he was traded for 3 new bettas. Hope you found the culprit and have no more trouble.

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