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Marine Tank


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I've now had another fish disappear, my lovely fire fish/goby.


The hood has been down, they CANNOT physically jump out. I know where the crab lives and I've been checking it's spots, there's no corpses. It cannot possibly be devouring these fish entirely that fast. It's just not possible... is it?? And why now if that is the case?!

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Ok, my bad! Found the fire fish *huge sigh of relief*

I had been shining a torch in her cave yesterday and the day before trying to spot her, she hadn't been coming out to eat.. I shone the torch in there just now while looking for the crab and OMG! FIRE FISH TAIL! AND IT'S WIGGLING! Yay. :)

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!!!!!! Lovely!! Hehe they look so happy and cute and pretty and.... !! It's so amazing!!

Keep the pics rolling when u can!!

The marine fish in msia are huge! U can't bug one smaller than 7 cm.. haha

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Wow? Really, 7cm?! That's kinda crazy lol

I brought home a new fish yesterday. :blush: A little yellow coral goby. I missed having a yellow fish and they're small and cuuuute and all that. So far I haven't seen him much. He drifts around going from coral to coral to perch on. Currently sitting next to a patch of zoos! :) Dad reclaimed his camera, though.. I'll need to steal that back.

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Ready to rip my hair out. I bought a wavemaker from ebay which was 'brand new in box' (not a vortech! YET!) and it didn't come with instructions so I looked at the ones online which seem to be just as unhelpful as not having any.

Don't see or feel ANY difference in ANY of the modes or when I adjust the 'speed switch'. They're also noisy as all get out and I didn't realize they weren't magnet mounted (ok that part was my bad :blush:).

I downloaded some instructions and it mentions a 'clock' button and a 'timer' button and various other buttons that I do not have. Going to send the makers an email to find out if this is some older model controller or something. Extremely disappointed and somewhat infuriated.

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Got a reply from the makers of the wave maker.. They just asked me where I bought it. No other info re; is this an older model or a rip off. Ummm, yeah, ok. That doesn't help me! Not happy jan. Your customer service is TERRIBLE. There is no reason why they couldn't provide the info I asked for in the email along with 'where did you purchase this'. :rant:


Tested everything for the first time in weeks (Told ya I was lazy!) and yeah, ouch. Phosphates are ridiculous. API shows them at about 3.0, a JBL test kit shows them at 1 (???). Either way, not acceptable! Shopping for an RO unit more seriously now. Very glad I worked the public holiday monday because buying all this and stuff for the 4ft is going to hurt!

Nitrates are a bit high but acceptable, everything else is great!

My new coral goby is a troublesome pest though. She won't eat. I even bought her smaller pellets and she just spits them out! Come on, who spits out new life spectrum?! I hate fussy fish...

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that's what all their fish sizes are like!!

urgh that's why i HATE dealing with some ebay shops. it's all good and dandy until you spend a bomb.. and realize it's not what you bargained for.

leave em some crappy -ve feedback. I find they usually come back with some sort of 'resonable' compromise.. or if you paid with paypal you can get your money back.

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Shesh! I prefer to buy 'em little and watch them grow.

Love me some foxfaces, just can't get over the possibly not reef safe part of them. :(

I don't want to go accusing the ebayer of selling me dodgy stuff until I actually know it is an older model or a rip off, but they clearly were advertising it as the newer model so I will definitely let them know that stuff is not on.

I do want my money back though, even if it means packing up the damn things and sending them back. I've seen internal filters rated for a 40lt tank with more guts than these stupid things. I was hoping I just had the settings wrong or something but I've adjusted everything and pressed every button and it's just poo.

Edited by Yan
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Either way they should do something to replace or refund it. I'm pretty sure in the ebay complains section there's the option of 'item not as described' or something. :alright:

Was it much under RRP? :(

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I have no idea because no one seems to have much info on these pumps. Guppys sells the 'nano' set (which is what this is/supposed to be) for $179. I got this set for under $80 with postage. Guppys however manages to sell a LOT of things below cost price so I have no idea how to take that info and I haven't seen anyone else selling this brand.

If the company ever gets back to me with information, then I'll take action against the ebayer. Regardless of if it is a rip off or not, it is NOT what it was advertised as which was the current model.

Oh and I just thought to check the persons feedback because 1 other pump was sold to somebody else, and they haven't left any feedback yet either. Interesting.

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Grrr. Well. I haven't gotten a reply from the company, I didn't expect one on a weekend but I sent my emails before the weekend with no reply. If this is their regular customer service, WELL! I can tell you I am not buying anything from that brand again, and I'll let anyone who asks know. How flipping hard is it to say 'Yes this is one of our older models.' or 'No, that product is not one of our own, yadda yadda'.

Contacting the ebay seller now...

Oh and I appear to be.. growing an acro??

Not the one I added recently but one that came on a bit of live rock.

It had appeared to be bleached but the part that was encrusting it to the rock was still fluro green and healthy looking. I'll have to refer to some older pictures of the tank but it looks like it's coming back to life. Very cool.

In other news, coral goby is going to starve it's self. I haven't seen it eat ANYTHING. It's getting very skinny very fast. Stupid thing.

Oh and my cat/elegance coral fell off the rock and onto my frogspawn the other day. I think the frogspawn has like killed it. Ugh. Pretty little elegance coral refuses to open up and has lost some colour. :(

Some random plate coral (no one was sure what it was.. they just gave it to me because it was dying) is growing and doing very well, I'm quite surprised and pleased.

Tank is an algae pit and I'm sick with a sinus infection or the flu or something so I barely have the strength to stand so no pics tonight... Awesome. I also have work tomorrow. :((

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I have ended up with a big Powder Blue Tang who a customer brought in with white spot. I don't know what he thought we were going to do with it.. but regardless, he's mine (for) now. lol


In the hospital tank... He's pretty shy. :P

I don't know if I will keep him, I just want to fix him up right now. A 4ft tank is pretty freaking small housing for a PBT. :(

Maybe I need to go tank shopping again...

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I do want to keep him lol

Only issue is they are notorious beasts for marine ich. They also need big big biiiiig tanks, at least 250lt or so.

This is so wrong. I'm already considering upgrading and my 4ft isn't even wet yet.

I want a 5 x 18 x 26 or so, then I would keep the Tang.

Who by the way is named JOE! Maybe. I kind of like Ralph now. What have you people done? I don't normally name my fish...

Someone come water change all my tanks for me. I'm siiick and my throat is on fire and I don't want to do anythinggg

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Go on Yan, you know you want to upgrade.... you've come this far *lol* The up side is if you get a bigger tank, you've got a reef to go diving in when the mood takes you.

By the way, RUFUS does not like the names you have suggested :rofl:

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Omg I LOVE it.. too bad my tank is too wide. :(

I am not sure how to bring it up to my parents that I want to upgrade. Already. LOL Fact is, the tank I bought has some seriously bad scratches in a couple of places, the cabinet needs work that I don't want to do and my dad doesn't either. I just want something that I can unload from the van, put it in my room and fill it up. :(

By the way, Joe/Ralph says he despises the name Rufus.. Sorry, Shadoh. A fish wants what a fish wants and it isn't to be named Rufus! :no:

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