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new betta <3


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I finally convinced my mum to go to the Coburg aquarium and get me a female ^-^

The photos don't really do her justice. She's got a light smattering of blue iridescence and her fins are a faint yellow with blue rims :lol: and her eye has this very vivid blue splotch in it.



on the way home i inspected the spots on the fins and then started wondering is that actually normal? I'm assuming that the horizontal stripes are juvenile stripes because the tank had quite alot of females with them and they themselves were pretty small :confused: is my assumption correct? or are they stress lines? :dontknow: that might also be probably because there was quite a lot of nipping going on in the tank as well...

if they are juvenile lines, it is possible to approximate her age? and when the lines will go away?

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She looks ALOT like the mother of my current spawn, and like half of the fry I have. Yours may be a bit more definite in yellow colour, where mine was a light browny yellow. Can't remember if the girl I had had as much blue irid on the caudal fin.

The horizontal stripes are both stress stripes and juvenile markings. Adult fish will have horizontal bars when stressed. All juvenile fish show these markings.

No, you can't determine the fish's age by the stripes.

She's lovely. Have you got a male picked out for her?

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@Flame Dragon: you're right, it does look like she's shimming XD

bit of a noob question, but how old is a 'juvenile'?

and to answer your question paul, I'll probably try her with Sunnie ^-^ who's a white/blue/yellow CT +here, which is why i went through so much trouble to pick out a female with the most compatible colouring and the least red... although since they're both LFS babies the results may be... interesting... :dance: doesn't that just sound like fun?

i need to get some live plants first though... the store i went to was out of java moss and fern <_<

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Colour wise I think you've probably done very well. Does she have more of a blue glint to her fins or more green? A little bit of a shame you didn't find a CT female for him, but I'm sure the fry will still come out lovely. I'd suggest fattening her up a bit for a couple weeks before considering an attempt at spawning. Good luck.

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:blush: thanks paul. and it's more of a blue tint than green ^-^

fattening her up shouldn't be a problem; I just fed her for the first time this morning and she ate like a pig :D

edit: I just noticed a white thing inbetween her ventral and anal fins :blink: is that the breeding tube? I swear it wasn't there yesterday O_o

Edited by MT Syndrome
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i take that back paul... she may actually be green.



but blue in other lights?


I think I may call her Subtle... because that pretty much describes her colouring :giggle:

although her behavior certainly isn't. :) she always zooms right up to my face to say hello, dances around and then tilts her head at me. <333 i never thought i would like my female over my pretty and brilliantly coloured male... but i do :P she's just got more... personality... XD

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:blush: thanks! and she definitely is a chronic flirt <3

btw i showed her a mirror yesterday and she flared (for the first time) at it and her stress bars immediately disappeared and gave way to the appearance of vertical bars... is this supposed to happen? I thought the vertical bars only appeared after seeing a male, not herself in the mirror. The vertical bars disappear after i take the mirror away and the stress bars reappear again faintly... does this mean she's ready to breed??

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She's very sweet MT,

I'll be curious to hear about the stripes changing too - perhaps she thinks she's seeing another compatible fish, and showing signs of readiness?

The weather in Melb is definitely ripe for spawning, out heaters don't have to work quite so hard either.

All the best with the little lady (I've just discovered the personality of the female betta - and I have to say, I'm definitely impressed - these girls are FAST to learn and really good at tricks!)

- Ness

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Boy and girl betta will intensify in colour when flaring. The girls get dark and tend to show vertical bars. These are the same as breeding bars, but don't necessarily mean that your dealing with courtship behaviour. From memory, the girls I've bred the breeding bars were even more pronounced than these aggression/display bars

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@Ness: defs! female bettas are awesome :D

@paul: thanks for the heads up! i can't really tell the difference between her bars when she's flaring at the mirror vs when she's flaring at Sunnie... i'll take a closer look later.

btw can anyone give me a list of "homicidal" behaviors (for both m/f bettas)? I'm worried that being a newbie, I might mistake one for the other and they'll kill each other :(

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