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Indian Almond Leaves


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Hi Everyone,

I finally have 2 IAL (I know this doesnt seem like much of a big deal to you but living in the middle of nowhere was was overjoyed that the LFS finally got some in). They are bigger than I thought they would be!

I have 2 males in a divided 20L tank, 4 females in a 35L tank and I am setting up 20L spawning tank.

How much IAL do I put in each tank? a little say 4cm x 4cm piece? Heaps, like the whole leaf?

I have no idea how to use it.



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I usually put in the whole leave.. or even two.. but since you have only two, maybe half?

Congrats on finding them. Even in Sydney I can't find any in the LFS, so I get mine from someone (and have just placed my first order for Block2). :)

I'm sure your Bettas will be very happy. :D

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