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Fishchick Aquatics - CLOSED for the day


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I believe the shop is safe. However someone lives out Ipswich way, which has been flooded pretty bad. What is worse, is that the quarentine facilities are up north of Brisbane, near Caboolture. So Jodie-Lea may very well be cut off at home, with no way to attend to her shop, or the current shipment in quarentine.

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I have heard through a third party that JL is stuck out Ipswich way. She is isolated from the store which has no power and the quarentine facility.

A group of regular customers have taken a generator out there today and are doing water changes on all the tanks. I only heard just after 3pm today, otherwise I would have been out there as well. Don't know how I would of made it there without public transport running today, but I would have managed some how.

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I can report that myself and several other aquariumlife members have been in today tending to all the tanks, and it's a miracle that there were very few deaths to speak of. It's a true testament to the quality of someone's fish and the care she takes that they've survived 2 days with no heaters, filters or bubblers and they're still holding strong. Not completely out of trouble yet because the shop still doesn't have power, but we're running the generator periodically to keep things going so hopefully it's all ok and all the precious stock will be safe and sound. Still yet to find out about the quarantine rooms up north but hopefully that will be just as safe.


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