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Goodbye Dear Strawberries & Cream.


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Strawberries & Cream, my male red/white piebald BF VT died this afternoon. :byebye:

I had been watching him closely for the past couple days.. he had been breathing heavily, and only last night had he gotten worse by looking very week, hardly able to swim.

Wasn't SBD, I know, but he didn't even finish his dinner.. leaving a bloodworm untouched. I didn't medicate him as I didn't know what to use.. he did however have IAL in his tank.

Strawberry never was a Daddy..






:rip: Strawberries & Cream.

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Thanks Jarrod, that really makes me feel better.

I only had him for a few months, yet he was happy during that time. I brought him from a pet store.. saw him and said he was mine. He was watching me.. and put up a good fight with the store guy trying to net him. Makes me laugh even now. :)

Last ones,




That's it. He never really liked photos being taken of him. Had a funny little cellophane patch at the end of his caudal.. you can see that in some of the above photos.

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I thought that too Wayne.. didn't want to say it incase to scare the other Christmas Comp. Entrees. BUT of coarse that doesn't mean the others will die, I do not believe that is true, just a sad coincidence.

Thanks Wayne.

Thank you Daniel. :)

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Wasn't trying to scare the others off .... just a damned shame another nice fish is gone.... some say a fish is a fish but when they star in photos and people get to "know" them its still sad news....

But then I'm a bit of a softy for animals/fish - don't even like the idea really of culling - I have an african cichlid I've dubbed Quasimodo as his spine is deformed and his dorsal line ends above his left eye... but he is a rabid feeder and holds his own with the other 'boys' quite well.... someone suggested culling him but he's doing pretty good from what I can tell and he'll be one of my pet fish for a long time....

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Of coarse I know that you weren't trying to scare people! Bad choice of words by me. <_<

I'm a softy for all animals too. I hate killing (even feel a bit bad when I step on an ant :embarrass: ), yeah, laugh at that if you like. I don't know if I could cull fry. Danny Boy wants the deformed ones as they are "cool" so he can have them as pets. That's alright, right?

I'm sure Quasimodo is just as happy & healthy as the others, even with his deformity. :)

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