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Well it's official - I'm getting Bettas back :)


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Ok I haven't been around for ages as I had a huge disappointment back 'in' September, after holidaying in Queensland and getting to catch up with fighters for you I returned home to complete devastation :( My mum was animal/fish sitting and knowing nothing about fish I came home to a massive fungal outbreak all but 1 of my female fighters dead :( 3 of my males all individual tanks - dead :( I had 2 males left :( anyway long story short both males gone after having to move tanks and last female didn't make it so I left it with getting new ones as I was pretty upset about it all and just stuck with my big 5ft tropical - I do still have 2 female VT That have always been 'in' the 5ft but they were just given to me by a friend not breeding females :)

Anyway I decided today I need fighters back 'in' my life and plan to rebuild slowly but my first addition is a cute little LPS VT I have named Jed - I will post pix when I get some but he is cute and the first step to me getting a breeding program up and running again :) :)

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'In' your post the word 'in' is 'in' apostrophes. I kinda thought that the first 'in' meant that rather than having a bad time 'in' September, it meant that the whole lot of September - and maybe a bit more either side of that month - was bad. Then I realised it was carried through the rest of the post.

Just wondering if it was something the rest of us should be 'in' on?

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That my friend is my sucky iPhone auto correct :D I did it once months ago so now every time I type 'in' it auto corrects :( and I'm over trying to fix it :( so your not missing out on anything trust me besides being frustrated with iPhone auto correct :D

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I sent a message and tried typing the word today - got one letter wrong and it changed the whole freekin word to Oreos Lol I got a what the? SMS back lol annoying but can be good for a giggle :D

Oh and I should have mentioned Jed is an opaque orange but is looking metallic 'in' the light I think :D will give him time to settle then see what's the go with his colour :)

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I once mis-typed metro as netro, and of course the highly useful auto-correct turned it into necrophiliac. That's just one example of highly unuseful, hardly used (never by me lol) words that have nothing to do with what i'm typing and are twice as long as the original word.

Welcome back mate, looking forward to photos.

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Lol Volvodriver that's a good one :) oh my best one was when I was writing to my friend about opening up my bag but missed the b and hit v - therefore the scentence refered to me opening my vag ..... Yes that one involved tears of laughter and ROFL :)

And thankyou :) I'm catching up on all the latest forum stuff ATM :) lots of interesting threads to read :)

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Lol I reckon Karma came to bite you Paul for giving me stick bahahahahahahaha :)

Trust me you will want to throw your phone with the 'in' thing lol buy thanks all for the welcome - off to my fav LFS today to see if I can find a nice dragon :D I'm hoping HM OR CT but we will see this certain LFS generally has a good selection :) then 'in' a few weeks when I am all set up again will hunt aquabid and jodies YouTube for some stunners :)

Ps here is a quick pic I took of Jed 'in' my photo tank :) pls excuse the poop but I think he is just gorgeous - reminds a little me of my old orange VT Ontiago (RIP) although he wasn't an Opaque


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