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Introductions and a question


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I've been lurking on these forums for a while oggling :drool: at people's Bettas and feeling very envious.

And ever since my 5 gallon tank's been empty I've been shopping around for a Betta. There was a

very nice purple/dark blue + yellow/orange crowntail at Pets Paradise, but I missed my chance to

get it and I was beating myself up over it for a while... and it also heightened my want to get my own betta.

And so two days ago I went all the way to Upmarket Aquariums in the city and bought my first Betta <3

I was after a HM, but the ones there didn't look all that appealing O_o so I came home with a crowntail

after a long winded and agonizing decision process :P). I was quite worried about it because the journey

home was pretty long (filled with annoying detours)and bumpy ,but he seemed pretty unfazed after the initial

shock of it ^-^ and I woke up this morning to find him building a bubble nest :D

I'll stop rambling now. I'll share some photos instead. (... if tinypic and photobucket will stop freezing on me >:[




flaring in a different light


asleep? just woken up? can anyone tell me why his eyes have suddenly lightened?

and oh, what colour variation is he exactly?

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Welcome to the forum! You have a very beautiful boy there. I would call him a yellow/turquoise marble. The marble gene is an amazing thing to watch while at work. Basically it will move around switching the genes for colour and pigment on and off. You can read more about it here: http://bettysplendens.com/articles/page.imp?articleid=1114 I would say that it has "turned off" the colour pigment in his eye. As long as he can still see, you have nothing to worry about :D

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aw, thank you!

and thanks for that article! it's really informative and lol, that fish started to look like a tricolor in the end :P

I can't wait to see what happens to my marble ^-^

but I don't think it's the marble gene turning off the colour in his eyes :confused: it's back again this morning.

Does it have something to do with the light? Because that picture was taken immediately after I turned the light on at


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Rather than the marble gene temporarily affecting the pigment in his eye, it's far more likely that you caught him napping. These guys tend to go very pale and their pupils constrict while they are asleep. It takes them a while to come back to "normal" if you suddenly turn the lights on while they are sleeping. He's a beautifully coloured fish, and his tank setup looks very homely for him.

Nice buy, and welcome to the forum.


Ps, does he have a name yet?

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thanks paul! that sounds about right. I think he's just sleeping :giggle:

namewise I'm still debating. I'm tempted to call him "Rising Sun" because it's the name of a painting that the contrast of his red gills against his white body reminds me of. And it was that colour combination that convinced me to buy him XD

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