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Greetings! :D


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Referred here recently by Briztoon after meeting him and some other nice folks at Fishchicks.

Been keeping fish for a couple of years, from the initial crash course when mum brought home a bag full of baby Shubunkins and said 'happy birthday'. Very irresponsible I know, but they are all alive and well and living happily with me still :D Gradually added more tanks and tried other things. I enjoy planted tanks and currently keeping some shrimps as well. Bought my first betta boy about 6 months ago, a gorgeous little white cellophane veiltail who seduced me from his cup on the shelf at the LFS. Couldnt believe the amount of personality in this little guy! Dave soon had a young protoge in the form of Jack, a halfmoon in marble blue/black/white and turquiose. He changes colour almost every week, so hard to pin him down :D

And, yesterday I bought my first pair from someone -

I might attempt to breed from them when I am better informed and equipped, until then they'll just be shamelessly spoiled ^_^

Very interested to see whats being bred and kept within the country, and learning more about the colour conventions and breed standards. Already found the body type/finnage guide, feel free to point me to colour patterns and types if there is such a thing! :D

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Yes people, another Sarah

I'm a Sarah! YAY! :cheer:

We Sarah's will rule the world someday, just you wait..

Where do we start? :P

Welcome Sarah, my I am going to remember your name super easy!

Nice Bettas you have there, I'm sure they are super spoilt just as you say. :)

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