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Banana, My Axolotl


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Feliz. My copper boy.

He had a tiny bit of fungus, so I went to give him a saltbath. 15mins is how long they should stay in, anymore they get seriously stressed out. I had one in for 20mins though - freaked it out tremendously.

Feliz has been in like 4hrs.

Surprised he is still alive... he's barely moving. Not sure if he will make it.

Cannot believe I just let that happen, feel so terrible..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, I didn't post about Sonriente!

Well, for some unknown reason (attacked by tankmates? Got stuck under driftwood and ripped himself out?) Sonriente, my black axolotl, had his tail and one arm hanging by a thread.

You could see the skin tissues and bone, it was terrible. Got some half decent pics, maybe I'll put them up later.. anyway, I was told to amputate both the arm and tail - if I didn't it would rot away, and spread to the rest of his body. A nice clean cut would mean it would have a 99% chance of regrowing.

Before I got to do this, he had passed.



R.I.P Sonriente. 31.1.2012.

Then, just now, I found Lindo (which I must admit was my favourite), dead. No apparent cause, not sure why it happened... my poor little 'lotl...




R.I.P. Lindo. 3.2.2012.

..... What has happened? In the past 2wks, I've lost more than half my axies - Feliz, Hambriento, Sonriente and Lindo!

Just Banana and Tenedor left now... hope they will be OK. :byebye::((


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Lost my long tribute. :(

Anyway, I just realised I didn't post about Sonriente. Some of you may know about this via Facebook.

Well, for some unknown reason (attacked by tankmates? Got stuck under driftwood and ripped his way out?) Sonriente had his tail and one leg hanging by a thread. It looked terrible, you could see his skin tissues and bone... I do have some decent pics if anybody wants me to post them. Although, he looked MUCH worse in real life.

There was much I could do - but I was going to amputate his tail and leg. If I didn't, it would rot and spread to the rest of his body; if I did (with a nice, clean cut), he had a 99% chance of regrowing.

Sadly, while I was prepping myself for this task, he had passed.



R.I.P. Sonriente. 31.1.2012.

Then, just now -

I found Lindo (who I must admit was my favourite axie), dead. Lindo - my copper little 'lotl. No apparent reason, can't see why. :(




R.I.P. Lindo. 3.2.2012.

I don't know what is happening!

In the last 2wks, I've lost more than half of my axies!

Feliz, Hambriento, Sonriente, and Lindo...

Just Banana and Tenedor left now... oh how I hope they don't die on me, not sure what I'd do if they do. :(


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Aw no! That's terrible, if you lived within commutable distance I promise I would come over there and give you a nice big hug. There probably isn't a reason, from these pics you've been taken damn good care of them, so I sincerely doubt its your fault if that's any comfort.

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Thanks, Jarrod. :)

Thanks Masquerade. It happens, I know - just more upsetting since they all happened around the same time (although various reasons, so not like it's a water issue, etc).

My other two axies are going well. They don't seem to have noticed their tankmates absence, which is funny - as when back whenever it was (this time last year?) when Aristotle Axolotl died, they all freaked out and were searching.

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  • 1 month later...

Really thinking I might get out of axolotls. They're just ... so finicky and keep dropping dead - no matter WHAT you do. I have a perfect setup and temp for them, etc. Feed them correctly, and still... they die.

R.I.P Banana. bye2.gif

Only have one now, Tenedor. If she dies I won't get any more, and she isn't eating - and is pretty skinny. Doubt it will be long.

So I'll have a large 4ft tank (400Ls, standard size is just under 200L) with a chiller. Not sure what I'll do...

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Mum's not too happy they died, said something about how she's sorry I'm getting a fish room because otherwise she'd make me get out of the hobby because everything always dies on me... not everything dies on me, she's referring to the loss of fish I had like a year or two ago. :(

Anyway, I'm getting my sister's old marine tank.. so I'll use my chiller on that, get corals and stuff.

Not sure what I'll do with the previously-axolotl tank.

I really do love my axolotls, as you probably noticed... just... they seem too finicky. bye2.gif

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Sorry to hear about no more little lotls.

I'm sure you'll find a suitable replacement for the tank that'll keep you happier than the lotls could.

Maybe you could get some of those mollies that your mum was so keen on *ducks for cover!* :P

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Thanks Paul.... Not sure what I'll do with the tank at the moment. Yan has definitely made my eyes open towards angels/discus. I'm getting her angel pair for my new 3ft when that is set up... thinking MAYBE I might do an discus thing going on - but not certain. With a 400L tank, there are a lot of different things I could do with it.

However, filling a tank with goldfish, guppies or MOLLIES (mum's three favourite three fish, my three least favourite fish.. however I own/look after the tanks so they are not a single one in sight) is wayyyy out of the question! Have I said eww? I think I did. Eww.

FINALLY I just got her off the dream off "tattooed fish" WHY? Not happening. Ever. Fill my tank with tattooed fish and you can smash it with a shovel all you want. D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G.

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