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Banana, My Axolotl


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I thought about getting a pair, but keeping them cool in the summer would be too much of a hassle... Also, there is the matter of starting up ANOTHER tank.... I'm more than happy to sit back and admire your little trio's antics! :D

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True, I forgot about the heat!

Last summer, it was like a nightmare... and you are in Brisbane... what's wrong with another tank aye though?

Oh well, maybe one day you'll decide to get a pair of these little marshmellows! :P

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Witnessed a most terrible thing yesterday afternoon!

I gave Sonriente this massive worm, and Banana saw it.. and tried to take it - but ATE ONE OF HIS GILLS!

Was a bit shocking, got it all on video too!

The video was really good quality, but when I uploaded it, it went all funny... but you can see anyway.

Edit: Video didn't embed.

Edited by Sarah
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Sonriente seems unaffected, it was only a little chunk.. and it should grow back quickly.

This morning, they are friends again, hugging and playing as always. :wub:

No, Banana doesn't.. and Tenedor is the feisty one out of the three!

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He seems fine though!

Past month or so, he has really settled in from getting him - before he wouldn't eat. He still only eats live worms though.

Yeah you would have - so stop laughing. <_<

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I have to admit to a giggle just at that moment, but I laughed more when I realised Banana had a stupid grin on his face with a little feathery gill sticking out the corner of his mouth. Just like a Sylvester and Tweetie cartoon! Classic! Plus, the camera work... to and fro... perfect!

Glad to hear Soriente is coping with the trim. Very cute to see these guys in action too!

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Hehe, yeah, when I was feeding them worms, I'm in the tank shoulder deep, while holding the camera with the other hand. Hence the to and fro! *lol*

Thanks Paul, Sonriente seems fine thankfully. :)

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Tenedor has moved back in with the boys, and has settled in. They are great friends, yet not quite signs of breeding yet. Maybe after the next waterchange.

Tenedor loves the sand, and has been walking all over it. :)


Plump with eggs!


Banana -



Sonriente doing some sort of weird sit-up thing. :notsure:


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Found a delightful surprise in my axie tank last night... I counted 6 axolotl sperms! Not quite sure which male they were from, but I have my suspicions *looks at Sonriente*.

Now just to wait to see if Tenedor picked any up! :D

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