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My run of luck may have run out


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I tried my white crowntail because I'm really keen to get bubs from him, but he just had no interest whatsoever. Presently have my other crowntail in the tub, but am thinking its just not the right weather, they all go ballistic building bubblenests when its going to storm, and at the moment none of them are.

One of my girls that I bred, I put in with the white boy and she was literally wrapping herself around him she was so keen, and him, zip!

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Is that Chalky!?! YAY! I hope he breds for you..

Be patient. More weather coming tomorrow.

Be patient. More weather coming tomorrow. Mine spawned as a storm rolled through.

Be patient. More weather coming tomorrow. Mine spawned as a storm rolled through.

Busman - are you trying to do some sort of hypnotism and plant the "wait for the weather, storms help" thing into her mind (if that is it, that's creepy), or was it a typo?

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There is a storm on the way AND it is a full moon (I've heard that a full moon will get them in the mood as well) All you need is a bit of candlelight and some romantic music and you're set! *lol*

I'm sure it will happen sooner of later. They can be picky sometimes over their potential partners...

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I had a few clueless males too.. let's hope you get better luck than I did (I did give up on the LFS boys when I got someone's fish though).

Come on Chalky! He is such a pretty boy, I'm sure you'll get lots of beautiful fry from him. What about the female, where did you get her?

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Sarah I sat chalky down, well ok I stood, he wiggled back and forth a lot, and we had a serious discussion. I'm going to put him back in the breeding tub again and leave him for a couple of days again. The girl is one of my lovely baby girls I bred, she is a gorgeous pale pale red with darker red fins. Funnily enough I've had lots of luck with lfs boys.

some romantic music and you're set! *lol*

Aaaaaaaaaah so my playing Tool etc, is not quite setting the mood? I knew I was going wrong somewhere LOL.

I also have a snail hell bent on committing suicide. Four times now I've found it on the carpet in the front room, all dried up. I've poked it, it moved so I put it back in the tank LOL.

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Naughty snail.. it'll kill its self one day doing that! Is there a lid on the tank? ... back on topic..

Having a girl you bred yourself is great Sunnylass! She sounds so pretty, do you happen to have a photo? *Goes searching*

Is she from the Rikki x Kingston spawn?

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I read someone describing how they encourage their betta to spawn by artificially dropping the barometric pressure thereby replicating a storm. He did this by setting a fan blowing over the top of the tank. He reported a good success rate. Worth a go if all else fails.

Plus... Try Barry White!

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