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My one Stoopid Question


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We are all aloud one stupid question aren't we? ( that's not it )

How will Bettas hold up over winter in Brisbane in unheated tank?

A few friends want some of my fry and not sure they will last in a bowl over winter?

Thanks, will try and limit these.

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Ive had bettas in the past "survive" Brissie winter in a unheated, but they didn't thrive or live as long as a betta in a nice heated tank. I've also lost bettas during winter in unheated tanks. Long story short; knowing what I know now, I wouldn't recommend it.

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Now there is a very nifty little gadget that I have made by Hydor which is a little pad heater. It's a 7.5W mini heater that is flat and sits under the gravel (I just hung it over the side of the little container because it had no gravel in it... it was a little hospital tank for a betta boy that didn't measure up to betta girl's expectations <_< ). Fleabay has them here: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Hydor-Mini-Fish-Tank-Aquarium-Heater-up-5-Gallons-/360326445514?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53e52139ca It was good to keep betta boy happy and recovering during a Tasmanian winter so should be more than enough during a Brissie winter.

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I have 2 of the Hydor 7.5w the from


There is no way to regulate the temp. except if you get an external temp controller.

However I have them in my 10L tanks and they do the job well.

Think they are 24-26 degrees.

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