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Should have realised when I bought a breeding pairs of rams that they would breed but obviously I wasn't concentrating because they have spawned in the community tank with cardinals, congos and zebra loaches for company. Are my babies all destined to be fish food or any suggestions? Those loaches are looking pretty shifty.

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when the lights go out at night the loaches can be pretty efficient fry hunters..... the rams can be great parents but the fry will stray eventually....

you could put a temp divider (piece of glass or perspex) in to separate the rams and their fry from the others if your tank is big enough.... might need to drop an extra sponge filter in the rams compartment.... or see if you can siphon out the fry and raise them yourself in another small tank till they are of a decent size... will be easier to feed them in a small tank too... get some brine shrimp eggs hatching....

all the best with your baby rams :)

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