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How Did You Get Into Bettas?


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  • 2 weeks later...

It was 1996 for me(7). My brother had a pair. :eek: I wanted a fighting fish so i went to my LFS with my brother and got a blue and red plakat had him in a plastic tank around 25cm the ones that have the plastic lid with the carry handle. i went back a week later to pick up a female...owner of the LFS showed me this nice royal blue female. then one really hot day i decided i'm going to put them together and by my luck they bred???? i was so excited. no heater no filter the air con was on. Thats how it started for me. i havent stopped keeping bettas since. so much trial and error.


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I can't remember my very first Betta well, I was very young, but he was a red veiltail who lived in my 3ft community tank. I bought him a girlfriend and had several lots of fry as a kid, but took them to the LFS all quite young, never waited to maturity, then gave up all my tanks when I moved to Sydney 12 years ago.

It all started again earlier this year when my partner bought me another red veiltail and a small tank to put him in (I had already reintegrated a 4ft discus tank & 3ft marine tank into my life so a fish gift was a great idea). Then I casually said let's get a female and we'll keep her in the discus tank and we'll see if we can get them to spawn just for fun. 6 months later we're BOTH heavily into it and somehow have over 20 adult bettas in various fin forms, three lots of spawn and are designing a barracks. I completely agree that it's like some kind of addiction. Fish crack!!!

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Haha eww...

Mine is the usual story, my best friend had one and said they were great all they needed was a once a week 100% water change and could be kept in a 2L container! Thankfully I lived in central highlands qld so heat wasn't as huge a problem (I had him in winter). My little boy was a pretty veiltail, blue with pink through his ventrals and a little in his anal fin, it reminded me of those pictures you see of space with shooting stars and everything, so I called him Ziggy Stardust! He died maybe 6 months after I got him, I had gone to boarding school and lost my water conditioner in the process and when I did my first water change I woke up the next morning and found him with a cloud of mucous around his head. I loved him a lot and really wish I had researched his needs.

But my fish are so spoilt now!

This was really nice seeing everyone's beginnings :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is really lovely, these stories are so great....I say Aus Aqua should publish a book entitled: My first Betta stories.....lol that was kinda lame, but I would definatly read it. The stories all seem so sweet and innocent.

I will soon upload my story when I get my fishy X D

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My story is pretty standard really, was walking past LFS, decided to go in (just for a look you understand) and walked out with the most gorgeous royal blue/purple VT. His name was Tangles (???) and he was with me for 2 1/2 years. That boy could bubble surf for Australia!! Jo

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got my first betta when I was 9, my very wealthy neighbours would buy there daughter a new pet everytime she got tired of the old one. I inherited this one, he was a green crown tail. I feel really bad now as I look back on it, no heater and no water changes.......... I think I kept 2 or 3 more bettas this way. All common lfs crowntails. My last cheapo one jumped out when I was 13 and I got cichlids after that. 2 years later I sold all my cichlids and a very wonderfull person drove me down to someone's, I was on a budget but took $150 "just in case." After I bought all my plants I only had enough money for a halfmoon that had been in store for a while. A week later my Nana said she would buy me a pair for my birthday so I got a black dragon pair. I'm hoping to breed them and keep a whole heap of females in my 60 gallon tank. Because of the beutiful bettas someone has I am going to get a custom tank made because I can only have 3 tanks. Why o why must they fight :'(

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