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Another reminder Jarrod... Don't forget to think about the type of blue irid that you want to go for.

Royal blue x royal blue cross will yield all three types of irid. Steel x turquoise will yield only royal blue...blah blah blah. If you want to keep this a "jewel box" will you be looking at obtaining as much colour diversity as is achievable from all pairings, or are you going to chase individual colour lines as well?

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Right now I am looking at colour diversity. I'll wait and see what the F2 Spawns bring in terms of finnage and colour. With 3 different F2 spawns planned, I'll have plenty to choose from for F3.

The marble pair have heavy royal blue iridescense, so colour range should be fairly wide.

The cello pair will be the surprise. Both started out royal blue and celloed out, so I am interested in seeing if the genes will work as if they were still royal blue and give a wide range of blues - marbelled, butterflies etc

The Turq x Pastel pairing will possibly give me more of the same(?)

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Wait.. wouldn't it be F1?


* PARENTAL GENERATION (P) is the generation from which the first cross in a series is taken. Usually, but not always, the parents are true breeding.

* FIRST FILIAL GENERATION (F1) consists of progeny/offspring from the parental generation. (e.g.) If you are the parental generation then your kids are the first filial generation.

* SECOND FILIAL GENERATION (F2) consists of progeny from the first filial generation (e.g.) Your grand kids.

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A few more...

The "black cambodian" Is changing yet again. She now has blue in between her rays, similar to a black orchid, she's also getting more black on her body.


Excuse the split in her tail. She escaped her jar yesterday and went on an adventure...

Thought this was a female at first, but not so sure. It has built a HUGE bubble nest and displays male like behaviors when the school of girls come swimming by...


Another ambiguous juvie that I haven't been able to sex...


A beautiful multi girl...


Busman, next time I have the camera out (and let's face it, it won't be long), I'll try and photograph the metallic royal blue girl with the black stripe down her head and spine...

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Wow.. imagine if you actually got a black orchid! That would be amazing.. :love:

I don't know.. the little bubble-nesting jewel looks like a male to me.. something about his body and ventrals. :)

Liking the big splotch on that ambiguous juvie! *lol*

Wow.. that is such a beautiful multi, what a looker! :drool:

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Inky is a boy! :balloons:Do you have a nice girl for him?

He always reminded me of a male Betta for some reason, I thought I was wrong - but kept thinking of Inky the boy. Didn't tell you incase you told 'her' and 'she' got upset. *lol*

Looking forward to the photoshoot. :photo:

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Inky looks very lovely Shadoh! All sparkly he is. :wub:

I like Dorsal's colour; almost like a three-banded butterfly on his anal. :cheer: He is special, and not just because of his dorsal.

WOWIE JECKLE!!! He is so beautiful Jarrod, so beautiful indeed.. you're still my favourite Jeckle - and don't you forget it (but don't let it go to your head.. much). :P Um, but what happened to your anal? :scared:

Edge has gone through a growth-spurt, I can really see it! :flex: Getting prettier with each photo-shoot.

Mr. Cellophane is lovely, a little pink-ish too.

Frosty... (Yes, Sarah, he changed AGAIN!!!)


Why does he do this to me? :poke:<-- Frosty is the blue one.

He is still lovely of coarse, funnily enough, he always sticks to the "Frosty" scene. Unlike Tigger.

Looking good Multi Boy. What are you looking at little one? Has a funny dip in his head though. -_-

Nice orangey-girl there. I really like the one in the first photo, at the bottom. The pastely one that has "Shadoh Bettas" on it. Could she be a lavender BF to be?

Nice blue marbled girl. :giggle:

How is Nemo these days?

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Thanks Sarah, from the small amount of dorsal fin that Dorsal has, I think it would have matched the pattern in his anal fin. Jeckle's tail and dorsal grew back a little wonky after he was savaged by Mr Lavender in December. He still is my special boy. I just realized that Mr Cellophane is really Tigger! Sorry for the confusion :blink: some of these guys change so quickly, I now keep a note book to tell me who is sitting next to who. I think Frosty will keep his pastel blue. It is a shame he didn't keep his turquoise BF pattern. I ended up with a few spoon heads. It is a shame, as that multi boy would be a good match for the top girl in the 2nd pic. Those orangy looking girls are really red cambodians. The light was shining through their fins and made them look orange. Inky is only 1 of 3 that ended up with the thick white scales. Funnily enough, they were the 3 smallest runts of this lot. As for Nemo, who knows. He changed so quickly, he got lost in the crowd. For all I know, I have given him a new name, thinking he is a different fish...

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