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Betta Pics


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Soo... Since I've gotten my barracks (still not fully set up yet) I have begun hoarding away fishies. Just yesterday I brought home 4 CT females for my community tank. They are all amaaaazing! So anyway, it's too bloody hot to mess around with tanks too much so I decided I'd simply stand there and take photos which is no where near as stressful as hauling water, tanks, sumps and pumps... Hah. Yeah right.

Pics are in no particular order.



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Thanks Shadoh. :) I have 4 of those guys, all siblings. Well, one is red. 3 Males, 1 female.. the female is in the first pic, still baby looking.

Now someone posted I can put more pics. :P ... Quality steadily going downward *lol*

obpkf.jpglvbff.jpgbritelites-1.jpgcellophanepk.jpgctboy.jpg Although he doesn't look it in this pic, he is actually a steel blue!

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Yeah, steel blues are near impossible to take photos of I've found.. I will pick up a small divided tank from my LFS some time soon so i can take proper photos with proper lighting and maybe find a way to get a decent picture of him. I want to take more pics but my 'helper' is asleep on my shoulder leaving me immobile for fear of waking the noisy little brat.

scoobie.jpg That dark blurry blob there is a cockatiel. :D The fish don't know what to make of her.

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Another stinking hot day, almost too hot to do anything.. So here's some more terrible and unflattering pics. :P


The lavender butterfly male is being treated for velvet.. He's look much better today though, unclamped and much more active.


Anddd moved the Rutilan pic so it would actually show up. :)

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Just wait until my barracks is fully set up so I can finally stop spending money on it and someone's fish.. then I can buy a new camera! I'll spam you all to lagville, the forum won't even load it will be so full of pics. *lol* Maybe once I get a new camera, it'll actually be able to focus ON the fish.

I miss my old camera. :rip:

I have been trying for a good half hour now to get a picture of the marble CT female I got, she just doesn't stop moving though. She is mostly white but the areas that are coloured are amazing. Different colours depending on the light/angle. Purple, blue, green, a mixture of all of the above.. She is gorgeous. :)

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Ugggghhh. photobucket got a makeover. Now I can barely work the stupid thing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!

Anyway.. Couple more pics.. I bought a photo tank (very small divided tank), just trying to work out the kinks (way too many reflections.. :( might have to go with a neutral background instead of black ).


I didn't think I'd ever find another longfin that I liked enough to actually own.. but this guy is pretty awesome. I love everything about his colour. I need to find me a matching female now. :P

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Your mustard dragon girl would prob be a good match. You'll get copper to dragon irid and the mustard will be recessive to the red. Only issue will be the degree of spread in the irid layer. Wild type being recessive to spread irid. BTW, well done on the find, who would think that you could pick a lovely little fella like that in a lfs. Oh, hang on, I spotted him and pointed him out... Wonder if I can claim an agents fee? Lol!

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Huh.. I wouldn't of even considered crossing her on him, they look so different.. Nice thinking Paul lol Might have to evict the fish from my current spawn tanks and see if this one will at least blow a bubblenest.


Wonder if I can claim an agents fee?
How about first pick of the fry if I can ever get him to breed?
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