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Apparently betta breeders are all inhumane monsters...


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I put in my email to them a link to the Pink Carnation pair of mine, as I really love them (the Bettas) and thought they'll like to see. They replied to me, asking if someone is a good breed in Queensland, so I told them she imports, and what she does, she ships, etc. I said since they were up there to pop on in.. they might see something they like. Also mentioned that the Bettas were in tanks well over 5L, so I'm sure they are satisfied there. Hey, they might get a pair!

Also sent me another e-mail. Here it is -

Hey Sarah We hope you found whatever you were looking for we are not stupid.

Did I do something??? What did I say.. do they have the link to this topic, if so, they should be e-mailing Paul instead of me.

I feel bad now.. yes, I'm a softy and feel bad for them. They also think I'm a member, so I had to say I wasn't though that was in the e-mail I sent like a minute ago..

I had to apologize. I hope they reply and tell me what I did that offended them.

I'm sorry.. I don't understand.. what have I said to make them come to that conclusion? But, the e-mail topic was labeled - Hey Sarah.. like I was their best friend - proving I was nice to them and didn't send hate mail. Um.. who does that and then say I thought they were stupid? Gee, I'm confused.

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Sarah, I am sorry that they replied like that. I am confused as well. I would not worry too much about it. Just between you and me, I think they are confused as well.

Sure that they know who the true " monsters" are.

Not sure if someone would like them in her shop unless they walk in with an open mind and are at least willing to try and educate themselves.

I don't think anyone on this forum would condone mistreatment of any animal. No one here likes to see fish in tiny cups. But to expect any business to be able to house these fish for sale, the way they suggest, would be impossible.

To be honest, my fish might not have the biggest living conditions (smallest tank I have is 4.5 ltr) but they are treated better than some people treat there kids. Best food possible, plenty of water changes and lots of plants.

Guess I am just trying to say that they do have some good intentions but not looking at the big picture realistically.

Would love to give them a large spawn to raise to maturity. Imagine having three or four going at once!!!!!!!

I know it's hard Sarah, but these people have never met you. DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY.

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Thanks Busman! Yeah, I mustn't take it personally.

Anyway, I don't know if someone would like them going in now you think about it.. they will probably inspect them too. I know how much care she takes in her fish, so too bad if they don't like it.

I don't 'do' the minimum of 5L. Actually, I find 2L is fine as long as you keep up the water changes.

Yes, I don't meet their standards either (I didn't mention that bit) but my Bettas are really happy. Most are from LFS small cups, so 2L is like the ocean to them. Though I understand the bigger the better, so that is the smallest I give them. The majority of my fish have liters & liters. Thanks again Busman.

They haven't met me, and have had like one email from me so too bad for them. Unfortunately, you do get mean people in the world that that's too bad. But I'm not making judgments on them, I'm sure they are lovely people all the same.

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Sarah... its often best at times to keep a distance from rabid animals.... get too close and they will bite.... most have only one obsessive focus and don't really care about you... so keep away and don't invite one into a friend's home....

As for Betta care... again I will say... if they want credibility they will approach things in a sensible manner rather than from a 'holier than thou' perspective.... they would co-operate with breeders and shops rather than attack them.... one day they will grow up and learn....

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Thanks Wayne.. yes I know about rabid animals..

You are right with the 'holier than you' view. I'm positive if they listened to others and waited their turn to speak and cooperated they would get better results. We just have to do what we do, and ignore them.. and if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.

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They replied to my emails the same way. Theyre just rude people. As I said earlier in this thread, they thought I was 'Lilli' even though I Introduced myself in the first email with my real name.

I approached them very kindly, but was met with the same rude reply. You just cant reason with them.

Theyre clearly a member here on this forum. You cannot see this thread if your not. So they probably see all these replies and think your trying to get dirt on them. <_<

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Hey you're right there Delyall! Yes, I remember you saying about they thinking you were Lilli.

They must be a member than.. hmm.. I wonder whi it is. I won't say my assumptions on who I think it is - really because I have no idea - but I mustn't that let on.

Yeah, they were all nice until I put up here that I sent an e-mail, then the e-mail came.

Yes, I have decoded their e-mail..

We hope you found whatever you were looking for.

They think I'm a spy out to find out why they like Bettas and such. Well, I'm a spy then.. I mean, of coarse I'm not. Great, now I blew my cover. Or did I? :shifty:

We are not stupid.

They think I'm a spy sent from the future.. um, I'm not going to answer that. Again with the cover. :whistling:

Anyway, too bad SFCA. For no reason, my e-mail just cut out, and I can't see any.. it is a dead end. At least you know I'm giving the ultimate punishment. It works better when you know.

Oh well, move over Paul, I'm on the blacklist too now.:Drunk_Buddies2:I don't drink.

Life lesson learned: Don't e-mail anybody about Bettas when they don't know anything about them. Especially if there is a topic going with them as bit of bullies calling us inhumane monsters.:devil:

To SFCA - return the message - We hope you found whatever you were looking for.. you spies.

Edited by Sarah
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They have posted on my YouTube videos of the spawns I had jarred before YOU GUYS bought them and put them in suitable tanks - and a fish I kept jarred for a week for quarantine before putting him in a TWENTY litre tank, no less - that I am cruel and can't afford tanks :giggle:

*waves* Hi lurking member! I do wish you luck in saving bettas from cruelty. I suggest you direct your efforts at irresponsible pet stores and not ethical breeders and people who responsibly quarantine their fish, though. You really could achieve something useful if your energies were better directed.

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Any intelligent entity wanting to improve the life of a species would surely try to communicate with and gain co-operation of representative organisations... rather than accuse them.... the SFCA seem to be just out to bloat their own egos, pat themselves on the back and say they did something good... the SFCA seems to be an "extreme sport" for some of them....

why not volunteer your time to do something positive like collecting larger containers and offering them to fish shops and offering to do water changes.... rather than flapping round at public events with cardboard fish? Why not print public leaflets on care of Betta species and distribute it to fish shops so they can help educate the public (like we have done on this website)? Why not actually contact Aquarium Clubs and work with them rather than accuse their members? Too practical? Requires too much effort? Not knowledgeable enough? Then get out there and learn rather than just complain and whinge. DO SOMETHING POSITIVE in other words!

No... getting self gratification by setting themselves up as an "activist" group seems to be more important and ego boosting than doing something practical....

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You are right Wayne, you already suggested so many useful ideas that they should be doing. Come on SFCA, why not give it a try?

I just signed out, and then tried to get here. On the board menu, there isn't even a tab where the General Discussion is, so I couldn't get into the General Discussion. In fact, it was as if it didn't even exist. :shifty:

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I find it odd that they would stop campaigning right before the Christmas rush. Don' they want to save the 100's of fish that will be bought as presents and neglected through lack of care? I've seen a couple of Brisbane stores get extra bettas in right before Christmas, then try to flog off the sick looking bettas that they couldn't sell after Christmas at half price .

As Wayne said, they need to stop patting themselves on their backs for being "activists". If they shifted their focus to getting their facts right, then educating the public on this knowledge, they would be a success. To be honest, I think their hearts are in the right place, but they have become lost along the way. As the old saying goes: A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing...

Edited by shadoh
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