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Apparently betta breeders are all inhumane monsters...


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I emailed them after I was told I could sign up as an 'approved' breeder.... and asked....

What authority do they act under? Or what international or national organisation do they have registered? Also... if I were to surrender excess stock to 'carers', what experience and abilities do the carers have when it comes to catering for growing betta fry? And do they raise their own live foods or force the fish to eat unnatural processed foods that they would not normally eat?

Haven't had a reply yet.... about 3 days and waiting.... doubt there will be a response....

As for intelligent information.... if they can't be bothered to use a spell check for important correspondence from their group... how can you be confident they'd bother to look up and find out suitable care conditions for betta fry and adults they 'rescue'?

Edited by fishbites
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The thing that really gets me riled is the disrespect directed by naive, inexperienced newbies towards aquarists who have been keeping and breeding fish longer than these kids have been alive. I've kept bettas in various sized containers and observed their behaviour and monitored their health. I think I know what's cruel and what isn't. I first started keeping fish more than 30 years ago. Sure, I've had breaks away from the hobby. But before anyone outright accuses me of being cruel (as some have on my YouTube channel) they had better ask me first what my thoughts are on cruelty. I'm not saying I know everything about keeping fish but to assume that I haven't given it any thought or haven't learnt anything in that time simply shows that YOU haven't given it any thought. As usual the people who set themselves up as morally superior are intellectually inferior.

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Oh why oh why won't someone think of the children!!! :o

I second everything Lilli and 'Razzi are saying. I started to type out my sentiments, but found I was just repeating what they and others had already said :D The representations made by this group are laughable.

Particularly, the communications ppl hav recieved form this SFCA ar a grate reed and really encourige me to take them very seriusly :eadshake:

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I hacve remained silent but I now need to protest.

Why are SFCA just after Betta breeders - my killifish, Apistogramma and Pelvicachromis pairs are probably in just as much inhumane conditions as my Bettas are (given relative fish sizes etc). So all those breeders of the other stated species should be labelled inhumane monsters also.

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yea its so silly, they only protest what they think they know and don't research anything like their latest video on iridovirus testing says "all the fish in the shipment will be destroyed, not sent back or placed on antibiotics" I may be wrong here but i haven't found any info on how to cure iridovirus it doesn't seem as simple as giving the fish some meds because if it has the virus the only way we know is cause its a blended soup now. If its healthy in the same shipment as a positive fish your medicating for something you cant tell is there or know if its taken effect (even if you can medicate for iridovirus). I'm all for shock value to promote more research into if iridovirus is already here and ways to test without killing the healthy fish ect but based on fact not lies and assumption to make something sound more horrible. They only made the video because members here alerted them to it otherwise they would be as blissfully unaware as they are about breeding betta & dripsystems.

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Unfortunately... well intentioned idiots are the cause of a lot of the problems in our world.... search throughout history both recent and distant and you'll see plenty of examples.... in most cases there should have been an approval process before their parents were allowed to breed.... :)

As for SFCA.... no facts, no substance, no authority, no experience.... sounds like a Biosecurity Australia review in to imports doesn't it! :P

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I remember now that when this group first started (sometime this year I think.. maybe June) that the owner put up a link onto a comment section of a Betta site (which is in America). A few joined.. I didn't. I just went & found the link (by asking the Site owner :blush:) and it is SFCA. Hmm.. I guess I forgot about it.

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I still have no reply to my email after asking them why the feel the have the authority to judge all betta breeders/owners... *sigh* seems more and more like a childs hissy fit. Oh well :) So long as no one here takes them so seriously :P

Edited by delyall
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probably some kids school project.... the talk of painting banners.... their very poor spelling.... their indignant responses.... you're probably close to the mark there delyall!!!

Oh well... hopefully they'll find another cause next year.... maybe something like Larger tins for Tuna...... :P

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WOW I've been missing out on so much! Why does all the fun stuff happen when I'm offline??? I've been trying to catch up on what's been going on with everyone and I came across this thread. I haven't laughed so much in ages. I'd like to thank the architect for putting a toilet so close to where my computer is sited or I'd have embarrassed myself a number of times whilst reading this most amusing of threads.

I love being an Aussie! 'Taking the P*ss' is a hilarious birthright don't you all think? Or should that have been "doant ewe orl fink"?

:worship: to all you funny b*ggers on AusAqua :thumbs:

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Further to what Neffy said, I have watched that video now (came up in a search I was doing for Razzi's): You can't treat a virus with antibiotics. Antibiotics treat bacterial infections. Unless there has been a huge medical breakthrough I missed.

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