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Apparently betta breeders are all inhumane monsters...


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Thought this would be an appropriate place to post.

An observation:

I've jarred afew fry into 700ml containers. These containers are suspended in a 80L tank. One fry is in the 80L "free to roam". This fry has not grown as well as the jarred fry. It gets as much food but just isn't growing as well. It constantly displays stress stripes. The jarred fry are colouring up nicely and are growing well, defending their little place in the world from their neighbours.

One of the jarred fry jumped out a few days back and I decided to let that one swim about and jar the one that had been in the 80L. The previously jarred fry is now looking stressed. Not coloured up. No little corner to call his own. The one that was "free" is now cozy and not stressed.

Although this is not scientific proof, this observation would suggest that small jars are intact fine for developing fry. Large spaces for the fry to swim around in aren't necessarily best for a small fry and potentially more stressful (hence harmful). Seems that blanket statements that jarring in anything less than 5L is cruel are unfounded!

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I have to agree with you Paul. I had 2 fry in a divided 10lt next to my bed and they didn't have the kind of growth that my jarred fry have. I actually jarred them last week and kept them in the 10lt and they have sprouted already. In fact, I have noticed that (in my fry) that fin development stops at a certain point in the growout tank, then continues only after they have been jarred.

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I guess my observation was that the one "jarred" by itself in a large body of water was perpetually stressed and wasn't thriving despite food, clean water, warmth and PLENTY of space. So it's not the isolating alone but the fact the fish is in a small enough space that it can be comfortable in, and defend, that promotes development (and health).

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"Know this is a bit late but am new to the forum and have just seen this thread. I just visited SFCA site and had a bit of a tour around and their comments on over-breeding stood out. Apparently over-breeding can not only damage the health of the fish but the buyer as well. If this is true maybe our Betta breeders can try for a strain that is particularly attractive to the uneducated holier-than-thouists found amongst members of this particular group? Just a thought... Jo"

My sincere apologies guys... that post was about as clear as mud (a talent of mine that sometimes surfaces) and I forgot the watch forum button so forgot I had posted this. Nothing derogatory was directed at anyone here. I don't breed Bettas myself and only have a couple of VT as pets (not exactly spoiled for choice here in Tassie!) but I have taken a real interest as an "observer" reading Breeder posts here in these forums. There are 4 main points that stood out for me on my trip to the SFCA site. 1) very doubtful these guys breed or personally know any breeders. 2) They know next to nothing about the trouble breeders go to to ensure the health and quality of the parents and fry 3) They know very little about the breed/various species and the myriad displays of personality they are capable of, which in turn leads me to believe that if any of them actually keep Betta (of any species) as pets they take very little notice of them and 4) beyond a desire for "rescue" (lets face it we've all seen the poor sods at the LFS and wanted to "save" them) and the imposition of rules and regulations for keepers and breeders the interest seems to flag. The SFCA were the holier-than-thouists referred to not anyone here. Frankly I am still a little puzzled as to the logic behind their statement on over-breeding with reference to the health of the buyer. I already have arthritis... buggered if I need fin-rot as well!! Again my sincere apologies for any confusion or misunderstanding, Jo xxx

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I'm just gunna jump in and say I think the person who runs that site is a kid. I'm not "siding" with anyone as I'm new here I just wanted to put it out there that they probably dont know what they're on about and they are quite young. I know one of the "founding members" mothers from another site (non-fish) that I belong to.

I suppose, making any noise about pet shop conditions is a good thing? right?

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And only if it is accurate.... its all been said in this thread before.... seems the loudest noises come from empty vessels.... if they actually became expert on the topic and went about things the right way they may not have alienated most of the hobby and instead had them onside.... there are a lot of hobbyists around who can be influential with their LFS.... mine now gives out brochures on proper care of Bettas to new Betta owners ..... and now he often houses males in larger tanks with tetras and other relatively peaceful fish....

You catch a lot more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.... :)

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