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Quick Question on Aquabid


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I thought I read some where that you shouldn't order fish off of aquabid until a shipment is ready. Is that right? What happens to the fish if you buy them too early? I will be hanging out for an answer as I was in the process of buying some fish but waiting for the right one and then waiting for a response to my question, I fear I have left it too late for the october shipment.

Thank you so much! I am pretty clueless when it comes to online buying!

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In my experience, when you buy a fish the seller holds the fish until it is time for the next shipment and then the seller transfers the fish to someone's exporter. If you wait, someone else is likely to have bought the fish

I believe the next shipment is due on 19 October (probably best to ring someone to check) so you MAY not be too late to get a fish into the shipment. RING AND CHECK

Edited by MelbBill
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Thank you very much! I found some fish today that I would rather and I am still sorting out females with another person so maybe I will just wait for the next shipment as nothing is finalised yet.. I was so sure someone told me that under no circumstances should you buy a betta before the shipment date but I guess it's their responsibility to make sure they arrive safely (I always confirm DOA policy).

One more question. If I also want a female that goes with a male being sold on aquabid how do I pay for them I would only be comfortable with something like paypal is it possible to use paypal to buy non-listed fish?

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OK good to know I can use paypal for extras! I guess my problem is that I have never done anything on the internet to do with banking. Only last year did I get credit card (I am only 18 now)and that was because I inherited some money! Actually I made my first bank transfer a few days ago and that was a bit of an event!

Luckily my dad is a techie know how person and has helped me with all that and will be there when I make the payments for the first time.

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Payment is via paypal and you pay to the sellers email address. It is fairly straight forward. Most sellers will ask if you want a sibling when you win the fish you have bid on, and will send photos promptly (and often at a very good price). If they do not, you can request one and see if a match is available ... if you really want a pair, contact them before bidding and get confirmation.

I buy at any timne of the month and from what I understand the fish remains with the seller until just prior to shipping. I have had one or two fish that have died or become ill prior to the shipment and the seller will let you know this and offer a replacment or refund. Keep in mind that the fish can die at any stage of the journey so staying put at the fish farm for an extra few weeks won't greatly add to the chance of that happening. The last time one died prior to shipping the seller 'threw in' a sibling girl for free (the replacement was much smaller and not as well developed but has since grown and is developing into a fish as nice as the one I bid on...a refund was also offered)



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