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Betta Barracks - Where did you get your tanks?


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To all those folk who have barracks or many smallish tanks (5-10lt), where did you source yours from?

I'm after probably 20+, haven't even bought/looked at the stand yet so I'm not sure exactly how many will fit, just looking at prices.

I'd prefer rectangular tanks over cubes but at this point I'm looking at anything.

I'm thinking my best bet would be to go to a local glass place. I know there was one near by who used to advertise tanks/lids on ebay but now I can't find them. Argh!

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mine was purely by chance. I started to check out ebay tanks close to home every now and then and I found these 4 divided barracks +light for $30. It's a 15L tank with glass dividers. I think someone built that. I have never seen on like it, so I bought it off the girl. I asked where she got it, she told me she bought it off someone else as well. BTW I saw a few barracks at my local fish shop. It has a inbuilt filter and light it comes to about $300 for 10 sections. I heard a lot people has built their own using disposable items such as plastic bottles. I guess it all depends if you want it for display or for functional and cheap.

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BTW I saw a few barracks at my local fish shop. It has a inbuilt filter and light it comes to about $300 for 10 sections.

May I ask which lfs? :P

@yan I think your best and cheapest way for so many tanks, is draw something up yourself, and get the glass people to make it for you.. buying so many individual tanks will add up, and with you designing your own, you can be sure itll fit to your shelf and hopefully work well :P

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Hmm, see the way I wanted to build it was all individual tanks with a drip system and overflow so if one fish became sick I could simply turn off his tank to avoid disease spreading. All filtered/heated through a sump on the bottom shelf/floor. I was really hoping to avoid divided tanks because of that. I suppose I could get some custom built larger tanks and have them put in solid top to bottom glass dividers and card them with bits of white plastic of some sort.

Hmmm. Many things to consider.

I'm thinking now the bigger divided tank might be more cost effective because it's already sounding like I'm going to need something custom built. I can't afford $15 x however many tanks I need... 20+? Plus that way I can get them built to fit the shelving and to the capacity I want. It will just be a pain in the rump if ever I need to move them.

Thanks guys. :P

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@joan oh yes of course, but no harm in asking them about the tanks :P Thank you :)

@yan maybe instead of a large divided tank per shelf, you could have two divided tanks, so then you can still 'turn off the "sick" tank, and not get all your other fish sick.. its just I agree with getting 20+ individual tanks would cost a hella lot more :blush:

Lol, maybe itd be easy to help solve the problem when we know what the shelf is like, dimensions and whatnot :P

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  • 2 months later...

It's not done yet, there are some issues with the sumps height which was apparently miscalculated so it needs to be drilled to fit where it needs to fit. That hasn't been done because my dad's been in and out of hospital and is not up to it and won't let me use power tools (I don't blame him :blush:). I've only filled one tank and running it with two sponge filters and two heaters.

I have 3 30 x 12 x 12 tanks divided with a gap in the front for water flow. Water gets pumped in one end and flows through to the end chamber where it drains out back down to the sump.

Edited by Yan
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