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Wierd Behaviours


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Hey all,

I just have a funny little White Cloud that seems to continuously repeat the same annoying routine. It all started 2 months ago, when i realized that one of my white cloud went missing, thinking the worse, i thought it had died but to my surprise when i was cleaning my tank, i found it inside my filter near the fan~! Being so small, it was so hard to get it out, i had to pull the filter apart to just get to it.

I thought it was only a one off thing and that it was simply unlucky to end up there but it didn't stop there, a week later the same white cloud did it again~! I can tell its the same one because its the smallest out of the three cause it doesn't eat that much. The other day i actually spotted how the white clouds gets into the filter, it would swim against the current, then jump out into the filter...amazing!

nowadays its happening almost everyday, to my frustration i place a plastic cover over the filter to stop this, the white cloud has try to jump but fail to get through the plastic.

My question today, is this a normal behavior for white clouds? or is there a motive for this action?

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Wow, crazy fish. I've had white clouds and never had them do anything like this. They did like to swim against the current but certainly not JUMP into what's creating the current. Mind you I only had internal filters so that would of been near impossible.

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Sounds like he has a serious identity crisis and actually thinks he is a bird. :D

Jokes aside, that has to be stressful! I have one little fish that freaks me out regularly as she hides among the plants and no matter how much I poke around I can never find her. I have thought I'd flushed her during a water change, gone on search with a torch around the furniture under the tank (in case she jumped out) and given the cat several filthy looks. <_<

Maybe if you put a little cave in for him he might find this a suitable hide hole?


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