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Cullen the Cull


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Before you ask, no I am not a Twilight fan.

The name just fits...


In case you missed the other thread, I dropped my camera (NOOO) hence the shoddy phone pic.

Mr Cullen here is some tail type (veil I think) Betta who some how at some point in time a few weeks ago got into a fight with another Betta. His fins have started regrowing but then he got white spot and was going to be culled (seeing the name connection now?). I got him instead, for free! He's been through enough already, don't kill the guy!

He's just floating away in my community tank while I dissolve salt for his tank.

I'm just hoping to get him fixed up then find him a new home. I think I'm gonna need some good luck on this one! Luck please? :)

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Bec, triple sulfur is a bit much for either white spot or fin rot.... best to save it for the real nasty diseases....

For white spot a multicure or methylene blue usually works but salt can be effective along with a rise in tank temps and low light conditions and increased aeration.... for fin rot try melafix or something similar first.... multicure with formalin in it is not too bad on fin rot either....

Anyway - all the best to Mr Cullen.... :)

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Yup Paul. He had been looking/feeling better until he got white spot. He's still pretty fiesty though. He was flaring up a storm at my Dragon in the community tank. Good thing my Dragon couldn't care less and went back to playing in the current... My Bettas are weird.

I hit him with ichonex for the ich, I try to avoid all medications though which is why I've got a medicinal dosage of salt and 2 large IAL there to hopefully prevent any bacterial infections. If he takes a turn for the worse I'll start with the triple sulpha. :)

Edit - People keep posting while I'm typing, lol. Thanks guys. :) Got the high temp and low light (only lighting is coming from his neighbour tank) conditions happening already. I'll have to dig out another air pump from somewhere though.

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Must admit that i thought the same as Sarah - :applaud: Twilight Fan!!! Oh well... Sarah we will just have to stick together :alright:

I how Mr Cullen pulls through. I can't really tell what he looks like, but I'm a sucker all the same. I would have taken him home too.

Goodluck sent your way

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Very glad to report that Cullen is looking MUCH, MUCH better!

Very little white spot left on him, just maybe 5 spots left on his pectoral fins. None on his body any more. His fins have regrowth (I think he's a bad example of a mustard gas... he also has a mask, but quite a green iridescence rather than blue). He's eating, although didn't seem to know what betta pellets were at first. He's active, swimming around in his 8 litre 'mansion' tank. I've done large WC every day so far. I won't be retreating with white spot meds, the rest can die off naturally with heat.

I can also report his eyesight is strong. Stronger than a few other boys who have been in the hospital tank, anyway. He's been trying to flirt with the female in the divided tank about 4-5 inches away from his own tank. :D

Edit - Clearer pics with the point-n-shoot.


^ The spot on his head in this pic is actually food, haha.

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Uh, he seems to be building a bubblenest..


The heater is basically on the bottom of the tank, and this is twice now I've found bubbles under it. I'm not sure if it's just him breathing/letting bubbles go or he's actually trying to build a nest under it. :blink:

He hasn't got a single spot left on him and plenty of regrowth. Active and curious. Yup, he's gonna make it. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. :)

After I returned from Melbourne (just a weekend trip) he was the only one who greeted me with any enthusiasm. *lol* I'm sure in his little mind he was just saying 'Oi lady, where you been? I didn't get my last few meals!'

Keep in mind I'll be passing him along once his fins are regrown.. Anyone want him? :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cullen today. :P

It's WC day and I was picking loose leaves out of the water, Mr Cullen had something to say about that and I ended up spending the next 5 minutes playing with him before grabbing the camera, haha.

Anyway, his fin regrowth seems to have plateaued, or at least slowed down a lot. I'm still adding salt, but not as much IAL as when I first got him.. Is it because I cut back on the IAL or is this normal? Does anyone have experience regrowing fins that were as bad as his who can chime in?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stupid me thought he should have an internal filter to help with water quality between WC and that he'd be able to handle the current. This is why I hate long fins.


I basically just reversed a weeks worth of healing by putting the filter in. I jammed the spray bar against the back of the tank to try and kill the current and hope he stays away from it. Sigh.

You can also see the funky bit where his fins were bitten off to and how they've regrown.

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