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Posts posted by splendidbetta

  1. I do not know what to think of Easy-Life. It does claim a lot of functions, despite advertising that it is safe for children to drink undiluted, and that "it does not contain any chemicals". I could not find any information about the specific ingredients in it. But I also could not find an ingredients list for Aqua Star. Does anyone know where this info can be found?

  2. Fish do have arteries in their fins, albeit small ones. See the top of page 289.


    I have found papers explicitly confirming the existence of sensory and motor nerves in fins. I have not been able to find anything about pain-receptors in fins. However, it makes no sense that such large and delicate parts of the anatomy would not have pain receptors.

    Fish fins often get damaged naturally, and they have the remarkable ability to heal and regenerate easily. I do not agree with trimming fins for aesthetic purposes, for example to reduce the length of the anal and dorsal fins to make them match a show standard. But I am fine with doing it to improve the fish's wellbeing :D

  3. Yes, that's right :)

    If the pectoral length trait is partially/intermediately dominant, the length may be different between heterozygotes and homozygotes.

    The pectoral length trait might even be multifactorial, so it's possible that it will take more than 2 generations to see a noticeable increase in length.

    As far as naming them after me, that would be awesome :( However I think the Thai's have already done this, because I have seen HMs with abnormally large pectorals, but I do not know how they made them.

  4. This is the red VT with the long pectoral fins that I am experimenting with, to learn about the genetics of long pectorals, as well as to try to develop the trait into HM and HMPK.






    He is currently in the spawn tank with this green Symmetrical Halfmoon Plakat female bred by Aquastar71: http://superbbettas.com/Breeding%20Stock%2...01/P2063330.jpg

    My hope is that the short anal fin and strong caudal fin traits that this female carries will compensate for the fact that her mate is a VT. I also suspect that developing HMs with long pectorals will be much easier using HMPK, since they are more robust, and the effect of the environment on their fin shape is much less. It will also be interesting to see if the HMPKs are able to express the long pectoral trait to any degree. I think long pectorals with a wider spread would look much better at about half the length of the VT's.

    Cheers :(

  5. You can start feeding BBS from free swimming stage until 3 months.

    You can start feeding other foods from 3 weeks onwards, as long as the size is suitable.

    VE and MW are good first foods, but I have never needed them. I feed my fry BBS the day they start free swimming, and they have learned to eat it by the day after free swimming.

    A betta is never too old for BBS in my opinion. But other foods are more practical beyond a certain size.

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