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Posts posted by splendidbetta

  1. Looking great, Les. As far as the chimney idea goes, have you thought of also adding an air intake pipe that runs underground to provide cool air? Otherwise whatever new air the chimney drags into the room would be warm from directly outside. The chimney would need a plug for winter too, I imagine.

  2. How old are the fry? I would suggest leaving it for now, but monitor the smell and appearance of the water and the health of the inhabitants closely. At some point you will need to get rid of that water, to be safe. In the meantime, do not disturb the container. Waterchanges with an airline tube siphon should be ok.

    When the fry are about 3 weeks old, carefully collect some fry water, put that in a new tub or tank, add up to 3 times more fresh warm conditioned water, fish out the fry and transfer them to the new tub, rinse out the old tank, and return the tub contents to the old tank. Top up with new water every day or few days from then on until your next waterchange. If the water goes bad before 3 weeks old, transfer the fry to 100% new water that has been conditioned and ready for about a week. My tap water is safe to do 100% WCs on fry of any age, but I've heard Sydney's water is not so great, hence my above recommendations.

    Hopefully there's nothing to worry about, but good luck :)

  3. This is a very fascinating observation, guys. I have no idea whether it's something that splendens normally does/is supposed to do, but it does make sense that they would do this to protect their fry from predators or fast water, and clean them. It's a logical extension of nestling-care, and it also makes the origin of exclusive mouthbrooding easier to grasp.

    Matt, I noticed you've used an inverted container in the fry tank. Is there a hole in the top or sides? Anaerobic bacteria could thrive in there otherwise, and possibly make the water very bad.

  4. A few weeks ago I had to throw out 4 of my grindal cultures because a blowfly had managed to lay her maggots through the air holes of my culture lids.

    If you don't have a lid, pets will get in, and the worms will crawl out.

    I am thinking of keeping all my culture containers inside a large plastic tub, with air holes in each culture lid, and large holes in the tub lid covered by cotton wool.

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