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Everything posted by splendidbetta

  1. Cool idea, I look forward to seeing your progress I'm happy you've found the Bettas4all Standard useful I'm not keeping fish at the moment, but hopefully I'll get back into it in the future.
  2. Looking great, Les. As far as the chimney idea goes, have you thought of also adding an air intake pipe that runs underground to provide cool air? Otherwise whatever new air the chimney drags into the room would be warm from directly outside. The chimney would need a plug for winter too, I imagine.
  3. Thanks for your kind feedback about my Betta models and website, Ness and Sarah, I really appreciate it :D

    I made the models using Autodesk Maya, over a period of about 7 months. I made the body first, then the fins, and then modified the fins for each fin type. All the modeling was done in polygon mode, and the entire project was a learning curve, as I was new to 3D digital modeling...

  4. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=active "Today's active content" in the last panel on the forum main page, above the "active users"/"Board Statistics" area. It doesn't reverse "mark all as read" but it bypasses it.
  5. Yes, a few holes in the sides should be enough Also, occasionally dismantling the pots and giving them a swirl after a jar WC would help.
  6. Looks cool Is there water flow through the clay pots? It could be problematic if anaerobic microbes are able to grow in there.
  7. A few weeks ago I had to throw out 4 of my grindal cultures because a blowfly had managed to lay her maggots through the air holes of my culture lids. If you don't have a lid, pets will get in, and the worms will crawl out. I am thinking of keeping all my culture containers inside a large plastic tub, with air holes in each culture lid, and large holes in the tub lid covered by cotton wool.
  8. If you can't find them, I'm sure you could make something similar using plastic, metal or glass.
  9. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes everyone! I had a great day :D
  10. Hey JL, would you mind if I sent your post as a mass message to all the facebook group members?
  11. I had posted the link at Bettas4all forum, my website superbbettas.com, twitter and my facebook. A lot of people who see it from those places are from other countries. I guess it couldn't hurt, and the government could just count Aussie signatures if that's the policy... We have 201 signatures so far. Keep them coming guys Does anyone know who all the major importers and suppliers are? Maybe we can get them to distribute the petition among their clients?
  12. Do all the signatures need to be from Australians? Does our government accept international signatures?
  13. 183 signatures so far. That's not bad after only 3 or 4 days. How many do you think we'll need?
  14. This is what I have used on Facebook for those who don't feel like writing their own: In the status: "Please sign this petition to stop the Biosecurity Australia Iridovirus report from being accepted. Help save the Australian aquarium industry!" After adding the link, in the text box where it automatically adds the sample "We the undersigned are concerned citizens who urge our elected members of Parliament to act now to delay the introduction of recommendations laid out in the Biosecurity Report to allow: 1. An additional round of consultative process be undertaken, which...", I have replaced that with "Sign the petition with your real name, and a meaningful comment about how regulations based on this report will affect you, or about how scientifically and ethically wrong the report is." Cheers :)
  15. I have signed the petition, and will share it on my website, Facebook and Twitter.
  16. To move messages to custom folders: 1. Make your custom folder in your messenger section. 2. Refresh the page. 3. Select 1 or more messages with the check boxes. 4. Scroll to the bottom of the page. 5. Click the drop-down menu that says "Delete"... Do not press "Go"! 6. Choose the drop-down menu "Or Move To..." > "[Name of Custom Folder]". 7. Click "Go"! ;)
  17. I just noticed there is no longer a board error for clicking "View New Content" again too soon! Excellent ;)
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