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Everything posted by shiannechang

  1. I played the video 3 times, still keep getting amazed by its finnage! Very beautiful crowntail! nice find, shadoh.
  2. Somebody else also told me that there is percentage of blindness in the offspring attached to this gene. I'll pay close attention on mine and let you know if any blindness happen to my big ears.
  3. Thank you people~ someone said that the big ears trait should breed true. But that can't be confirmed as this variety is still new. Not much information is available online. I'll share breeding logs on the Gene Pool board once spawn is successful. :)
  4. Thank you Busman. I will certainly be doing my best to breed them up, starting right today actually.
  5. Greetings, I'm not new on this forum, but was dormant for a long time. Very happy to see this forum has become more a active. Last week, I came across a pair of very special Betta at someone's, brought them home in a heartbeat! They are a pair of lavender Big Ear Halfmoon Plakat! Hope you like them too! <3
  6. Betta, the only fish that has always been with me. :)

    1. shadoh


      I know what you mean. I have always kept at least 1 betta for the last 15 years!

    2. shiannechang


      Yes! It's not a competition, but I win by 5 more years. lol

  7. Hi, it's Shianne. Very nice meeting you on Tue. :)

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