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Posts posted by JayM

  1. Been awhile since I last did any updates on here. Things have moved, some have changed purpose, but all in all, the more things change the more they stay the same :)

    The old Convict tank, which became a second sorority and is being prepared to become a grow-out for my first F1 CTPK


    Only the far left is the currently only occupant - my Bristlenose the wife has named Suck-a-Tear (as in to rip paper)...apart from one Ramshorn

    I hesitated on posting this one but I may as well show the good with the bad...the Sorority


    Only two turquoise CT's and two little copper HM's left in here currently, and a whole bunch of Pennywort I need to get rid of as it dies from the bottom up. If it's not Anubias, I will kill it. There was a couple of Ramshorns and two baby BN's in here but I've not seen the BN's for some time and presume they became lunch for the girls at some point. I think only one Ramshorn remains. I did remove everything and couldn't find any bodies anywhere so they are either really good at hiding or have been completely consumed...

    Next is the Barracks rack.


    From the top: Storage of miscellaneous stuff; Temporary holding containers for photos, illness, isolation (to be replaced with female breeders barracks soon); barracks (to become the male breeders barracks - still needs live plants); Female holding barracks; spare shelf

    Next is the Spawning Rack


    Not sure why this is sideways (may be a cache issue after I edited it). From what would be the top:

    It was my planted tank experiment that keeled over big time, and is only part way being prepped as another grow out. Need more funds to buy plants etc but will have to wait till after Xmas; Spawning tanks - on the right is my F1 CTPK fry: on the left is Ghost and Pippa who will hopefully provide me with another line of CTPK fry. Under that is storage, and under that is a two and half footer the wife wants in the lounge at some point...

    Last but not least is the Spawn tank with a view


    The black cupboard is the larder where my VE and various ingredients and things live (I have 6 cultures of VE in there currently so if anyone needs some, just let me know). On top of the larder is the two day old fry of my black orchid CT x black marble HMPK. Dad was snacking so he's been removed (hopefully the fry will be free swimming shortly and I'll start a proper spawn log. On the table is my BBS hatchery setup being guarded by my tiger statue who has been with me since Adam was a boy (almost).

    On either side of this are the book shelves I've still not got around to sorting out (yes, I am extremely slack). The book shelf on the left also holds my growing Grindal cultures. I also have two Daphnia cultures growing in the laundry where's it a bit cooler.

    That's about where I am for now :)

    Jealous. I so want the barracks & female barracks. :wub::crowntail::giant: I love the Betta emoticons. :D

  2. I have one 12 day old fry. If I do fresh BBS, is it ok to store most of it in the fridge? Fry isn't going to each much so was just wondering if it's ok to fridge some & freeze some? Was hoping to do another spawn soon but have 12 boys to sell still.

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