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Posts posted by JayM

  1. Hi :)

    We have a 9 bay changed into a 3 bay which holds our 3 male breeders atm. Each bay holds approx 10L.

    We have a 210L which we can move some females into, also a 135L which houses our 2 current females.

    I have been wondering how all of you keep your Bettas housed.

    For breeders, how do you make room for all of your fry when they need separating?

    This is our first big spawn so not sure atm. They are only 3wks old so have a bit of time till we come to that. In our last spawn (around 20), I moved the more aggressive ones out of the spawn tank into another tank. Used soft drink bottles in the spawn tank (held about 6 x 2L) & also had one in the tank. Changed the water daily. They were big enough & sexable at around 8wks so sold them at 10-12 wks. :)

    Will be using a couple of tanks to do the same thing as above with this spawn.

    I guess my main question is, do you keep heaps of small tanks where you try and maintain the temp and water conditions, or have you made your own Betta barracks or bought a pre made one so that water temp and conditions are maintained? (taking into account that disease can spread between tanks).

    As above. Going to be cutting some holes in the soft drink bottles this time so I'm not changing water as often. Also have a few separable tanks which can go into our bigger tanks if needed.

    I have read that it is ok to keep the little guys in smaller tanks (like a barracks) but not for extended periods of time. What do you do if you plan on keeping a fair few of them permanently? (Do you keep them in a bigger tank each and just keep your fry in smaller tanks until they grow out and you can sell/ give them away?

    I only plan on keeping a male & 2 females from this spawn. :)

  2. Nice boys. :)

    Our bettas like 27 degrees & minimum tank size of 10L is ideal as it gives them room to swim & exercise. We have live plants, driftwood with anubias or silk plants are fine also.

    Bubble nests are instictive to them & because they can see each other, it's probably a case of my nest is bigger than yours. ;)

    Filter is preferred too.

    Flaring tires them out. :( Can also lead to stress & disease so you'll need something so they can't see each other 24/7.

    Any more questions ask away & hope that has helped some. :)

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