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Everything posted by JayM

  1. No idea. Died overnight.
  2. These 3 passed away sadly.
  3. Born Sept 2013 SHELDON balloon CT BUBBLES balloon CT ROCKY balloon CT
  4. Thanks. Not my photos, Ronald Marcus took them at the owners place. My photos are crap.
  5. Couldn't resist these 3. Introducing... Ebony, black orchid CT Skylar, CT Emma, CT
  6. JayM

    Hi All :)

    Hi RonnyM Sigh, they are gorgeous.
  7. In our 7 girl sorority, we also have 2 corydorys, a clown loach, 2 peppermint bristlenoses & 2 common bristlenoses. It's a 135L tank.
  8. JayM

    Hello :)

    Welcome Floss. The link doesn't work Brenton?
  9. Glad they arrived. Might get a few shots of some of my girls soon.
  10. Have sent a couple. Will send a few more tomorrow.
  11. I did. Our kids fill our room atm. We have all our tanks in the loungeroom.
  12. Jealous. I so want the barracks & female barracks. I love the Betta emoticons.
  13. Hi Paul Thanks for that. Got Batman & Robin from local pet store. Have just ordered some CT females & a CT pair off someone. Can't wait to get them. This was our first spawn & going to try again in September. Going to see how Batman & one of someone's females go. Interesting you say they're all female. Jonesy we had to move to another tank as he was flaring, nipping & chasing the others. His tail is longer now & he has the beard. Sparrow & Runt have the beards & another one too. I know females can flare also but the one's we think are male are more aggressive. Guess time will tell.
  14. Runt , 4 months old, Male? Cherri, 4months old, Female? Sparrow, 4 months old, Male?
  15. Thought I'd share some pics of our Bettas. Batman, our Black Orchid CT Robin, CT, not sure on his colour? Think he's a tri-colour? Jonesy, 4months old, dad is Robin & Ariel (died early july)
  16. JayM

    Howdy :)

    Hi, my name is Jaylee. We got our first fish tank last november & now have 4. We have Robin (our crowntail betta), lemon tetras, neons & peppermints in a 90L tank. Planted with anubis on driftwood & couple of other plants, I've forgotten their names. Batman (black orchid crowntail) in a 20L tank with anubis on driftwood. Jonesy (crowntail, bred by us), rosy tetras, corydorys, crown loach, peppermint & blue rams in out 135L tank. Have anubis on driftwood, anubis on terricotta pots & other live plants too. Sparrow, Berri, Cherri, Runt another male (all bred by us) with anubis on driftwood & other live plants in another 90L tank. We read a lot on breeding bettas & we're just doing it for a hobby. We decided to breed Robin & Ariel (she died from dropsy in early July . Set up the breeding tank, put Ariel in with Robin (she was in a container for 24hrs) then released the next day. We kept a very close eye on them. Robin had made his nest & they were straight into it. We took her out after a few hours & Robin tended to his nest. They were born on 10th March 2013 & are now 4months old. We got 18 from approx 22 eggs. Have a tonne of photos & videos of it all. Is so interesting to see the babies colours come through & watching the fry grow. That's about it from me. Would love to post some pics of my babies.
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