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Posts posted by maddzvk

  1. hey Brenton

    the heat is a bit crazy in aus. even melbourne can get pretty bad.

    you can buy clip on fans for your tanks their much cheaper than chillers.

    the other thing is increase water movement will prevent it from warming as much and also keep water oxygenated (oxygen saturation in water goes down as temp increases)

    besides that monitor tanks as much as possible and use iceblocks to cool tanks when they get too high.

    also keep them in shade rather than next to windows for light.

    bettas at least can be quite tolerant of warmer waters.

    our house is shockingly insulated so weve had some get way up high 30's without deaths. thank god were moving soon :)

  2. We will receive no problem consider temperature though which is why I said poly box both heat and cold will kill

    Also with fastaway they do 5kg satchels now which are $13 each and you have to buy ten at once. I've heard complaints about pretty much every courier or post option so really you it need to weigh pros and cons of each not to mention risk .

  3. fastaways its not 100% allowed but pretty much its if you do it its at your own risk so dont try to claim DOA/damages on them if you send em

    11.3The Carrier does not accept for carriage livestock, second-hand car parts, perishables, flowers or plants, cash or other negotiable instruments, jewellery, cigarettes or tobacco products, irreplaceable items or other such valuables. Items of the abovementioned, consigned by the Consignor via the Carrier shall be deemed to be at Owner’s Risk and in such cases the Carrier strongly advises the Consignor to arrange its own coverage for loss or damage.

    they do 5kg satchels (46cm by 60cm) for about $13 or so when you buy 10. they can fit a smallish poly box and its 2 days delivery nationally

  4. hey brenton

    in the terms and conditions auspost does say they dont accept any live animals besides silkworms, invertebrates and bees.

    that being said its luck of the draw alot of people send via auspost and never get caught or face repercussions. but sometimes you will.

    i personally have a friend whose parcel got detained for breaking the terms and conditions and it was quite a mess not just in terms of a fine but in terms of him getting his fish back since they would not send them on or back to him.

    long story short if you blatently write live fish on them. expect to get a few calls regarding it.

    if you write fragile or water content you'll be better of but it is against the t and c's.

    we have sent via auspost but after a few issues time wise and with tracking (for four days tracking said they were where we dropped them of on tuesday) not to mention price its not worth it. we will be sending via courier from now on which is not as expensive as youd think if you are willing to pay for more than 1 postage at a time. (5 min) we can get up to 5 kg posted for approximately $13 2 day delivery time nationally.

    as for packing we always use a polyfoam box this is to reduce temperature fluctuations and loss/gain. last thing you need is your fish boiling in the post in summer or freezing in winter.

    in winter we also pack with a handwarmer. these react with oxygen and can heat for up to 72 hours (hottest temp in 52C in direct contact.

    when packing fish we use 1/3 clean water to 2/3 air

    do not feed fish for 24 hrs prior to sending to reduce the amount of waste they may produce in the bag hence keeping water quality higher for longer.

    we bag them, tie them, then invert this bag into a second bag.

    this ensures if our bag leaks it will be contained even if the box is not facing up.

    finally you pack around them the fish will move enough in the water without being thrown around the box as well.

    box is sealed up well. lots of tape to keep the lid on and we tape the joins to prevent leaks.

    hope that helps you a bit

  5. We've made spawn mops and have amazon frog bit and plants always looking for more things in the tank though :)

    The gardneri are in the main tank and at the moment the boy Is petty useless since he's always trying to show off to the betta girl instead of his two lady gardneri room mates maybe once there alone we will see some spawning happening :)

    James Australe, makurdi, ijebu ode, striatum (i think) and blue gularis are all on my killifish wish list and you know it.

  6. i think the fish are lovely more than anything else

    im sure they know it too some of them would not stop showing off for me

    jim has some great bettas im particularly fond of the sorta grizzly CT and the HM green black dragon smile.gif


    This is my fave photo. i think


    I like how this shortfin boys tail looks in this one



  7. the adults are actually quite large for cherries

    our friend had two adult girls floating around her 8 foot tank for ages uneaten (with female fighters, discus, sharks and all sorts of other usually hungry fish) she only took them out for breeding haha

    welcome to the group its an amazing time to get into splendens especially cause in september Melbourne is having its first ever IBC sanctioned show :D

    have a look around theres plenty of info and lovely people on here :)

  8. (Photobucket is the one we use for sharing photos mostly on here)

    Nice little set up

    that tank for 50 is a good buy :)

    Plants are good lots of cover shrimp love to climb all over everything haha

    Ember tetra may eat shrimp babies

    same with guppy fry when they get large enough.

    Only thing I'd suggest is look into a shrimp substrate rather than gravel. The dark colour helps the shrimp colour, it has additives to make the plants go whoosh and it will stabilize your pH real well for the range most shrimp like it to be (mid 6) plus the shrimp like to do there little rolling/digging/cleaning thing to the substrate but gravels a bit heavy for the little guys

    Just a suggestion though the shrimp will still live a normal life cycle etc with gravel

    What shrimp will you/have you put in it? :)

  9. well i dont like using chemicals much either

    we use IAL and peat for the wilds.

    but i worry if i put it in the tank and the substrate or water quality goes nuts well.... there goes my nicely cycled tank.

    the friends tank was a fluval spec with shrimp soil and it went nuts even after 6 weeks and daily water changes only had driftwood a few plants and a super hardy tetra in it.

    ours is a fluval flora with fluval substrate its been cuycling for about 2 weeks with plants and tetras and stabilised (both pH and ammonia) so i dont want to risk mucking it up....

  10. Hey so we have a killiscape.

    anyway clown killis similar to wilds are often stimiulated to spawn by a drop in pH

    the substrate in our tank regulates the pH so that without using any buffers the pH sits stably at 6.4

    would it be advisable to drop the pH knowing we use a pH regulating substrate already

    (ideally we want to lower the pH to 5.5 short term)

    and if so is there a preferable way to do it?

    Proper pH, pH down, IAL, peat....

    the reason i ask is we used a similar pH stabilising substrate in friends tank and after 6 weeks of cycling the tanks ammonia was continually sitting at 8.0 and pH was swinging wildly even afrer a full water change and im worried playing with pH could be tricky with the substrate and have a similar result.

  11. this ones perfect with the canister filter

    its also quite spacious without being super deep which i like.

    plenty of room to swim forward and back rather than up and down like a discus.

    will try get a photo of the completed tank tonight.

  12. some of the bunnings moss is aquarium safe.

    we've tried sphagnum moss and peat moss both from bunnings to no ill affect in our fish

    looked it up when researchjng killifish originally

    and yeah medium sized. no where near as big as bit as our unimac but dfinately larger than our uberis haha

    (the krats are about 6-8cm body length)

  13. shes pretty hardy.

    she once ate a whole box of lindt chocolate when we were out (wed usually make her throw up(salt) but it had been to long)

    she was fine. just passed some tinsel a few days later.

    #mydogisanidiot #thishasnothingtodowithfishorbarracks #diygenius

    the culprit



    #hadabluetongue #stillalive

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