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Everything posted by maddzvk

  1. the oldest one drank from our net bucket tonight (its heavily dosed with meth blue.) she got a blue tongue and a very upset james frantically searching how poisoness meth blue is to dogs but yeah no toilet bowls at least :P
  2. yeah facebook hes on the IBC SMP page a bit....
  3. Haha im not the only one with tank licking dogs but yeah that's my tank licking idiot alright haha
  4. will be in sydney next weekend actually haha :)
  5. haha i think the spirit level was from putting the perspex in since it didnt go straight to the ground, as for the bottle that's my DIY cider http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a558/LodoBetta/betta%20barracks/P4170079_zps4f096780.jpg http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a558/LodoBetta/betta%20barracks/P4170084_zps4a9e285e.jpg http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a558/LodoBetta/betta%20barracks/P4170091_zpse90be94f.jpg http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a558/LodoBetta/betta%20barracks/P4240848_zpsaaac2894.jpg tank got the perdi lick of approval
  6. this is the other barracks we did (i like this one better) got a 3.5 ft by 1 tank of gumtree for super cheap with a light and eheim canister included. had A4 sized perspex as well pretty much we put the perspex in and siliconed it filled with gravel canister goes in one end comes out the other. heat is transferred real well from end to end (heater is in the middle) but the whole thing stays pretty much the same temp. James hard at work on it Just the tank half done
  7. this is from before it had water. when we attached the mesh to the perspex
  8. the unimaculata complex wild bettas are escape artists. your sparkling fry sound ie our wilds they arent the prettiest tanks but the wilds have been breeding round the clock since we put them in pretty much so they must thing there alright ;)
  9. I keep saying id make a thread but ive been pretty slack admittedly. this was one of our first attempts at a barracks for the splendans. we got a 3.5 ft tank second hand three sides spray painted so just needs to look good front on bought A4 sized clear perspex to use as divders (plastic folder dividers can be used to card boys from each other) and mesh to seperate the front barracks from the back section. aim was to share maximim water to prevent complicated heat transfer/cleaning/filtering etc. yes i know but dieseases and health isssues. contagious. we are usually pretty vigilant and proper quarantine and tank maintenance minimises risk. plus extensive fish meds on hand haha anyway so tank. silicons not the neatest but we can always neaten it up with a razor blade. later on. perspex was siliconed to front glass firstly. round cardboard tube was used to support perspex from ground and allow even spacing. tank was allowed to cure. tanks flipped onto front glass. mesh siliconed to the back side of all perspex pieces as well as to the sides of tank and floor. pretty messy job but sides are spraypainted anyway so meh. and pictures: setting it up
  10. Haha there do seem to be a lot of wa located people lately its great though since as you know wa has some funny quarantine so you should get real good local advice Patoti are lovely There's a whole wild bEtta thread so its a great place to have alook at what others keep and how they do things Hope you enjoy bettas we do have some sections on other fish too maybe betta razzi will make a cichlid one since you and Brenton both have some Anyway hope you enjoy the forum :)
  11. Haha having a partner whose Ito fish is awesome James is mine an we have something like 20 tanks setup Haha Anyway daphnia can be kept in its own tank it doesn't need a heater or anything What people usually do though is split it up Into empty soft drink bottle with the ld off (so somewhere it won't get lost) That way you aren't at risk to kill all you culture by over feeding it with yeast (happens a lot) and its very easy to see how your cultures are going I meant knocked over no lost... Ours are in the garage on the window ledge out of reach of our crazy dogs...
  12. maddzvk


    Les is over Your side too and irascae (who has some gorgeous wild bettas) and bettabreedersperth and a few other members haha
  13. maddzvk


    Fish chick can send to wa I know they have pretty strict livestock rules but she can Killis are gorgeous as are of course bettas There's a lot of info on here so plenty at resources are available and everyone is lovely Plus a fair few members are from your side of Australia so you have company... Some if them with bEtta's I'm envious of even Enjoy the forum
  14. Well its pretty cloudy and is mostly a rock and substrate so far with water! (Mind blown yet?) We will post photos later in the week most likely :)
  15. nice tank they seem to have done a nice mini interview there. good luck feeding all your little mouths :)
  16. welcome to bettas there are some stunning ones out there a and plenty of nice people on here . since your in WA they have super strict laws regarding live stock so besides fish chick you'd probably be looking for a local breeder in WA. id suggest getting in contact with les on here as hes over your side of aus and he has some nice fish usually if your interested in breeding the spawn logs on here and videos are a good start also shadoh (jarrod) posted in general discussion how he sets up and conditions his bettas to breed recently so head over there for a peruse. best of luck with the bettas :)
  17. Agree with yan them classes are all well defined 2-3 definitely to allow cover to fill in etc
  18. This is exciting news we were just thinking how to redo our shrimp scape (they are being relocated to a larger tank) And a new clown killi scape so perfect timing Size categories: small mid and large? Nano if you feel so inspired novelty could be a laugh
  19. Vic davo Will message tonight Dan
  20. If it is to house mae bettas I would go with clear with black removable dividers so you can flare the boys each day
  21. I'm gonna say not the first one bettas have a habit of jumping in with neighbours and ending up with no fins and I feel a waterfall setup leaves water levels high enough for this to happen a lot both to the neighbours besides and below ... besides that your on the right track with the other two
  22. We Did one with perspex its in three parts but can become six problem is if the fry are to small they sneak into the other compartments still its pretty alright for the mid age grow out...
  23. Come at us syd-naayyyy!

    gonna visit jims wonderland of bettas(and buy like 100) then off to Sydney splendens

  24. Oh them Tetras are so pun-ny thanks jan
  25. creepers eating my fish eyes I assumed their mouths would be too big and my Tetras too fast not to mention they hang in different parts of my tank guess the ghost knife needs to move but I don't plan on getting rid of it I love thier erratic swimming way to much
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