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Posts posted by maddzvk

  1. i started this a while ago no one really took to it http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=14877

    looking through some of the american forums it seems that whilst breeding ee to ee is the easiest way to get alot of ee fry it also leads to alot of assymetry. in fact i asked extravagent betta about it in january and they said they had 14 sellable fry from a ee x ee pairing and even they had assymetrical pectoral colouring. so i think breeding fry back to a father would be a good way to go about it. not saying you cant breed ee to ee i think theres just some caution needed like breeding DT's together.

    and of course if there is no matching female then an unrelated female and then breeding back to the father should result in some fry with the trait...

  2. you remove the grass from the pot.

    try get rid of some (not all) of the packing material just with tweezers or similar.

    dont go too gung ho or you will wreck the roots. we then pull it apart into small plugs approximately .5-1cm. we roll the roots between or finger to compress them a bit then palnt it (sorta weird to explain.....)

    next time you order something we will send you some loose belem hair grass we have (currently floating in a fry tank) to experiment with :)

  3. welcome to the forum.:) you'll be happy to know theres a few hobbyist over your side including les and kevin who are both amazing :) and that a lot of peopel on here do have interests besides bettas though they are definately nice fish ;)

  4. Hi Shannan

    welcome to the forum hope you enjoy it.

    did you recently have the armageddon spawn on facebook?

    we have a spawn talk and gene pool which are full of people spawn logs and questions regarding questions as well as heap of other cool threads (which brentons been busy digging up lately)

    and as you knwo tehre was recently the vic betta ibc show :) (did you make it to it?)

    anyway look forward to seeing some of you fish and fish keeping experience!


  5. if you decrease the lights it will usually help decrease algea you can also try having a gap in the middle of the day (lights on for two short periods) but can be tricky with timers

    we turn ours on at 3 pm (james gets home from work) and leave them on till we go to bed as we got real bad algea when i turned them on when i went to work but turned them off same time.

    it will depend on things i assume your betta tanks wouldnt be highly planted so they could have lights on for 16 hours no issue

    but will depend on lighting, plants, ferts, time etc. try cut back ferts or lights and see if that helps balance out the algea issue

    otherwise youve got BN's in the mail or can try algea eaters as well :)

  6. my tip is turn the light off for longer.

    12-14 hours a day is alot most of our tanks with fast growing plants are fine with 6-8 hours

    any more and we start getting some not so nice algea.

    try the root tabs perhaps ive wondered how well they work and they arent too expensive

    otherwise co2 booster (or flourish excel) will help with promoting fast growth(and flourish also doubles as being able to treat/kill black beard algea):D/>

  7. BT covered all the bases with his post. vic betta show so we can now post some more :lol:/>

    yeah im also intrigued by this interesting spawn

    sydney also has the local enthusiast club sydney splendens society which has some lovely people in it and recently became an ibc chapter i believe :)

  8. like ash said i think people are divided.

    for bloat and constipation the power of the pea is obvious.

    i dont give much to oh but they dont eat that naturally cause people are the worst culprits for not eating natural things dry.gif

    besides theres plenty of foods in the diet they wouldn't normally eat in the wild, (vinegar eels and pellets for a start, not to mention things like beef heart...pretty sure bettas arent great at hunting cattle)

    if it works it works I find my CT ladies always seem to get super round (fatties) after about a year so think they at least are gonna go on a weekly pea detox :)

  9. Compared to the ones we got yours are quite long it seems.

    You can check bayfish stock as well for Killis available as well as AI

    The gardneri have been spawning of late so we will see. Eggs will be hatching right around when we are redoing our tanks so at least space will hopefully not be an issue then :)

  10. I approve of that list :P

    i like most of them fish as well although i like gardneri makurdi alot. and have clown killis

    they are definately a cool little fish.

    me and james bought an australe pair today hopefully soon we can pick some eggs of thier spawn mop :)

  11. hey brenton


    as water temperature increases the oxygen saturation decreases

    so the hotter the weather the lower the oxygen in the water

    so for non labrynth breather increased oxygenation is a must(any fish besides bettas)

    the increased flow is ok we find especially with an air bubblers which we use sponge filters usually anyway

    its mostly if your fish is consistantly struggling to swim this movement is an issue

    but yes moving water will heat up slower than stagnant water


    we use sponge filters on low all year round anyway

    the larger the water quantity the less it will heat up (eg. 10L compared to 60L will take much longer to rise 5 degrees)

    mostly just consider your area with spawning.

    chi has lots of success breeding outdoors in summer (in sydney)

    me and james keep ours indoors and just monitor it. our fry are usually kept high 20's anyway plus we know what rooms hold temp better in our house.


    i dont think your ever supposed to add ice straight to your tank conditioned or not as i believe it can shock the fish. maybe thats just soemthing ive got in my head.

    i meant ice blocks in a sandwich bag or similar. the other things is small water changes consistantly will keep the temp down (similar to airating but also reducing the length of time for water to heat up.)

    me and james can get these ---> fans for your tank--->http://www.royalaquatics.com.au/up-aqua-cooling-fan-black-p-163.html?cPath=25

    and yeah airbubblers :)

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